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来源:考试网   2022-01-02【

  One morning, about a week after Bingley had proposed to Jane, a carriage arrived outside Longbourn House. Elizabeth, Kitty and their mother were in the sitting-room, when suddenly the door was thrown open, and their visitor entered. It was Lady Catherine de Bourgh.


  They were all extremely astonished. Mrs Bennet, flattered to have such an important visitor, received her with great politeness. After sitting for a moment in silence, Lady Catherine said very stiffly to Elizabeth, 'I hope you are well, Miss Bennet. That lady, I suppose, is your mother. And that, I suppose, is one of your sisters.'




  Elizabeth replied that she was correct in thinking so. Lady Catherine rose and said, 'I would like to have a walk in your garden, Miss Bennet, if you would accompany me.'


  'Go, my dear,' cried Mrs Bennet. 'Show her ladyship the different walks, I'm sure she will like them.'


  As they passed through the hall, Lady Catherine opened the doors into the different rooms, looked in, and declared them to be reasonable-looking rooms. They went into the garden in silence. Elizabeth was determined to make no effort at conversation with a woman who was being more than usually rude and disagreeable.


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题


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