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来源:考试网   2021-12-10【

  “A lifeof usefulness, literature, and religion, was not by any means a life of event,”wrote Henry Austen of his spinster sister Jane. This image of the sequesteredauthor persisted for years. But contemporary scholars have reappraised: “dearAunt Jane” as an independent and worldly-wise woman who wielded a sardonic pen.She continues to fascinate, 200 years after the publication of Pride andPrejudice. This is the charm of a new biography from Paula Byrne, a Britishauthor, who breathes yet more life into Austen and her works by considering theobjects that populated her days.


  Eachchapter is organized around a single thing. Some are Austen’s possessions, suchas a topaz cross she received from her brother. Others are simply from theperiod, such as a barouche (an upmarket carriage), which helps to illustratehow well-traveled she was and transport indicates status in her novels. In Northanger Abbey Catherine Morland findsa trip in Henry Tilney’s curricle erotic, whereas she is nonplussed by JohnThorpe’s gig. Broadly chronological, this thematic approach offers a revealingpicture of Austen and a lively social history.

  Austen’sformative years are the most interesting. Three vellum notebooks contain her“Juvenilia” – the stories and poems she wrote as a teenager. Her “greatestgifts are here in embryo”, writes Ms Byrne, clearly relishing Austen’s satireand lack of restraint. The young author lampooned famous figures and offeredparodies of sentimental novels. But she reserved her choicest words of wit forher sister Cassandra. When they were not living together they correspondedfrequently, and Austen often tried out different voices – “gossipy, jokey,affectionate” – to make her laugh.

  Duringthis time the movements of the family followed the flows of inheritance; avexatious matter that drives Austen’s narratives. Old maids and mothers wereoften housed by rich cousins; a child might be made heir to childlessrelatives. An East Indian shawl introduces Aunt Phila – who at 21 sailed toBengal in order to find a husband – and her daughter, Eliza. A romantic figure,and presumably illegitimate, Eliza first married a man who fell under theguillotine in the French Revolution, and later married Austen ’s brother Henry.This coquettish cousin is fictionalized as Mary Crawford in Mansfield Park. Austen also drew onHenry’s militia experience for her depiction of flirtatious redcoats in Prideand Prejudice. Her midshipman brothers helped inform reference to the navy.

  Thebook’s liveliest passages are about city life and romance. Austen frequentlyvisited London and lived in Bath for years. She was probably not a beauty – notonly one authenticated portrait exists. But her wit and intelligence lured manya suitor. None of them stuck, but many are recalled with mirth in her letters.







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