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来源:考试网   2021-01-02【


  China will adopt a host of policy steps to promote the scale and quality of the personal insurance sector and facilitate its steady development, to meet people's diverse needs, the State Council's executive meeting decided on Wednesday. China's personal insurance has seen sound and fast development in recent years with commercial personal insurance reaching a considerable coverage nationwide, yet problems such as insufficient supply and low level of protection still exist, said the meeting. Attendees at the meeting emphasized the need to deepen reform and opening-up of the insurance sector, with a focus on optimizing supply and providing high-quality personal-insurance products, to meet people's needs for health, old-age support and safety protection. The development of commercial insurance shall be stepped up. Commercial medical insurance products that suit the needs and paying capacity of the elderly shall be developed. Commercial endowment insurance, which serves as the third pillar of China's pension system, will be put under unified standards and regulations, and its development will be stepped up. The long-term investment capabilities of insurance funds are to be enhanced, while the supervision of assets and liabilities will be strengthened, and risk prevention and control stepped up. Insurance funding will be encouraged to participate in major construction projects, such as infrastructure and new-type urbanization, to better facilitate its role in driving the real economy.




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