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来源:考试网   2020-05-22【

  老子天下第一 regard oneself as the No.1 authority in the world

  老赖(欠钱不还) deadbeat (They are New York's Cheapest: an elite collection of wealthy fraudsters and deadbeats who owe more than $1 million each in state income taxes.)

  老龄化社会 aging society

  老年学校 school for the aged

  劳保 labor insurance(面部)拉皮手术 facelift

  克隆 clone

  雷达覆盖区 radar coverage

  雷达跟踪 radar tracking

  累犯 recid ivist; incurable criminal

  勒紧裤带 tighten one's belt

  累进税率 progressive tax rate

  冷板凳 cold stool; an indifferent post or a cold reception; cool one's heels

  冷 门 ark horse; a profession, trade or branch of learning that receives little attention; an unexpected winner

  冷遇 cold reception; indifferent treatment

  冷战思维 Cold War mentality

  冷笑话 bad joke (Some bad jokes are very popular in many online forums these days. 如今,一些冷笑话在许多网络论坛里非常流行。)

  乐透 lotto (一种彩票游戏)离岸价格 free on board(FOB)

  离岸金融市场 offshore market

  篱笆墙 barriers/ blockage to inter-regional trad ing

  理财 arrange the finance;money management

  力挫 defeat with utmost effort

  离岛免税政策 offshore duty-free policy

  立等可取服务 instant service; on-the-spot service

  立法真空 leg islat ion vacuum

  利改税 substitution of tax payment for profit delivery

  力争上游 strive for the best; aim high

  立国之本 the foundation underlying all efforts to build the country

  利好因素 wrinkle

  利好因素 feel-good factor ("It may provide a feel-good factor, but it's unlikely to make people feel any more confident about their own finances," said Nick Moon, managing director of the polling group. GfK NOP 市场调查公司总经理尼克•莫恩说: “这场婚礼会为英国带来利好因素,但不太可能会让人们对自己的钱袋更有信心。”)

  离 婚 协 议 书 divorce settlement (Most try to sign a divorce settlement by themselves first. After failing to reach an agreement on issues such as the division of property or custody of children, they turn to legal resolution. 大多数夫妻会先行签定离婚协议书。无法在财产分配或子女监护等问题上达成一致时,他们才采取法律手段。)

  理货公司 tally company

  利基 niche

  离经叛道 rebel against the orthodoxy

  理论与实际相结合 integrade theory with pract ice

  礼尚往来 courtesy calls for reciprocity; courtesy demands reciprocity

  历史遗产 historical heritage;legacy of history

  历史遗留下来的问题 roblem left over by history; an issue rooted in history

  利税分流 payment of the tax plus a percentage of profits to the state

  理顺经济秩序 straighten out the economic order

  力所能及 within one's power;to the bes of one's ability( capacity)

  立体电视 three-dimensional television 立体开放口岸 trading port open to sea, land and air

  立体快巴 straddling bus (The straddling bus, first exhibited on the 13th Beijing International High-tech Expo in May this year, may be one possible answer to the traffic problem. In the near future, the model is to be put into pilot use in Beijing’s Mentougou District. 今年五月在第十三届北京国际科技产业博览会上首次展出的立体快巴将可能成为解决交通问题的一条出路。在不久的将来,这种新型车将在北京门头沟区进行试运行。)

  立体农业 three-dimensional agriculture

  立体式报道 an in-depth and comprehensive report

  立体思考 three-dimensional thinking

  立体战争 three-dimensional war

  离退办 office for the affairs of the retired workers

  离退休人员基本养老金 basic pensions for retirees

  理想雇主 preferred workplace (Samsung was selected as thepreferred workplace for a 2nd straight year in a survey of 1146 college seniors, done by Job Korea, a recruitment portal of South Korea. 韩国就业门户网站 Job Korea 对1146 名大四学生进行的调查中三星连续第二年被选为韩国大学生的理想雇主。) 礼仪小姐 ritual g irl

  礼仪小姐 guiding girl

  礼仪小姐 Miss Etiquette (The final select ion of Shanghai ExpoMiss Etiquette was held in Hangzhou city, Zhe Jiang province on Jan 31, 2010. 上海世博会礼仪小姐选拔活动总决赛于 2010 年 1 月 31 日在浙江省杭州市启动。)

  立于不败之地 be in an invincible position;remain invincible

  恋爱登记 relationship registration (In response to critics, the university denied having a policy asking students to participate in "relationship registration". It said the forms were released by a group of students who thought the questions offered a good means of learning about the relationships of their classmates.



  联产承包责任制 system of contracted responsibility linking remuneration to output; contract system with remuneration linked to output

  连带责任 joint liability

  联防 joint defense

  恋父情结 Electra complex

  联购联销 joint purchasing and marketing

  联合公报 joint communique

  联合国反腐败公约 UN Convention Against Corruption

  《联合国海洋法公约》 The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

  联合国环境署 UNEP (United Nations Environment Program)

  联合国会费 the UN membership dues (fee)

  联合国开发计划署 UNDP (United Nations Development Program)

  联合国粮农组织 FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation)

  联合国维持和平部队 United Nations Peace Keeping Forces

  联合国维和行动 UN peacekeeping operations

  联合;合并 merger

  联合兼并 conglomeration and merger of enterprises

  联合联络小组 joint liaison group

  联合投标 syndicated tender

  连 环 杀 手 serial killer (A female serial killer who terrorized Mexico City as the "Little Old Lady K iller" was sentenced to 759 years in jail on Monday for killing

  16 elderly women. 本周一,以"小老太太杀手"之名震惊墨西哥城的女连环杀手因杀害

  16 名老年妇女而被判入狱 759 年。)

  连环相撞 rear-end collision (A rear-end collis ion of at least 30 vehicles occurred at 10 am Monday morning at the Jianyang section of the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway, local media reported. 据当地媒体报道,15 日上午 10 时许,成渝高速简阳段发生特大车祸,至少有 30 辆车连环相撞。)

  连 环 追 尾 pileup (More than 100 cars and trucks are involved in the massive pileup on Highway 99 just south of Fresno as patches of dense fog obscured visib ility on the heavily traveled roadway, the California Highway Patrol officials Paul Solorzano Jr. said. 加州高速公路巡逻局官员保罗·索洛萨诺说,出事路段交通繁忙, 属于弗雷斯诺市以南的第 99 号高速公路。当时雾很大,能见度很低,造成 100 多辆车连环追尾。)

  联机环境 on-line environment

  廉价商店 discount shop;budget store; discount shop

  廉价市场 bargain market; bargain center

  廉洁奉公,以正治国 (of an official) clean and devoted, and govern the state with his own example of uprightness

  恋母情结 Oedipus complex

  联赛 league match

  连锁店 chain store

  连锁反应 chain effect; domino effect

  练摊 to be a vendor

  联体婴儿 Siamese twins

  联网 on-line;be networked

  联想集团 Legend Group

  连续抽烟的人 chain smoker

  廉政公署 Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)

  廉政建设 construction of a clean and honest administration

  廉政建设 build a clean and honest government; strive for a clean government

  廉政、勤政、务实、高效政府 an honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government

  两岸直航促进会 Association for Promotion of Cross-Straits Direct Transportation

  两岸直航 cross-Straits direct transportation link

  两岸直航包机 Direct Chartered Flight Across the Taiwan Straits

  两大历史性课题(提高党的执政水平和领导水平、提高拒腐防变和抵御风险能力) the two major historic subjects of enhancing the abilities of administration and art of leadership and resisting corruption, guarding against degeneration and wardingoff risks

  两弹一艇 "A-bomb, H-bomb and nuclear-powered submarine" 两弹一星 atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and artificial satellite 亮底牌 reveal the ins and outs

  两个对等的政治实体 two equal political entities

  两个文明一起抓 place equal emphasis on material and ethical progress

  两 会 two Conferences (i.e. the National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference)

  粮食风险基金 grain risk fund

  粮食流通体制 grain distribution system

  粮食收购部门 (government's) grain procurement (purchasing) agencies

  粮食主产区 major grain producing areas

  两手抓两手都要硬 grasp both links at the same time and attach sufficient importance to both

  两思(致富思源,富而思进) to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress after becoming affluence

  两条腿走路 walking on two legs

  两 头 大 、 中 间 小 be small at both ends and big in the middle; a few at each extreme and many in between

  亮相 pose; state one's view

  良性循环 virtuous circle

  两伊战争 the Iran-Iraq War

  粮油关系 grain and oil rat ioning registration

  两 院 院 士 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering

  两者不可兼得 You cannot eat your cake and have it.

  量子力学 quantum mechanics

  两岸关系 relations across the Taiwan Straits

  两岸周末包机直航 cross-Straits weekend charter flight (Chen Ling, vice-director

  of the Fujian Taiwan affairs office, said: "The launch of the cross-Straits weekend charter flights marks a great leap forward for relations between the mainland and Taiwan." )

  两个确保 two guarantees (确保国有企业下岗职工的基本生活,确保离退休人员的基本生活,保证按时足额发放基本养老金。guaranteeing that the living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises and that the pensions of retirees are paid on time and in full)

  食品安全 food safety

  良种补贴 subsidies for growing superior grain cultivators

  连环漫画 comic strip

  联名存款帐户 joint account

  连锁经营 chain-store operations 连体姐妹 conjoined twin sisters 连体婴儿 conjoined twin babies 疗效食品 remedy diet

  《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio

  劣等品 shoddy goods; substandard goods; lemon (informal)

  猎头公司 head-hunting company

  列席会议 attend a conference without voting rights

  立法听证会 leg islat ive hearing

  利率形成和传导机制 setting and transmitting interest rates

  临时巴勒斯坦国 provisional Palestinian state

  临时工 temporary worker

  临时牌照 temporary licence

  临时医院 makeshift hospital (A id officials in Haiti worked to clear rubble from

  roads, buildmakeshift hospitals and remove bodies from the rubble despite transportation problems and broken phone lines. 在海地交通和通信阻断的情况下, 救援人员正在清除道路上的碎石瓦砾,搭建临时医院,把尸体从瓦砾中挪开。)临时政府interim government (An opposition coalition in Kyrgyzstan proclaimed a new interim government on Thursday after clashes left dozens dead in the Central Asian country. 在吉尔吉斯斯坦中部发生一场导致数十人死亡的冲突后,吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国反对派上周四宣布成立新的临时政府。)

  临时主教练 caretaker coach

  领海 territorial waters

  零和博奕 zero-sum game; zero game

  另类 a different, special, comp letely new or fashionable type or trend

  另类音乐,非正统音乐 alternat ive music

  零配件 spare and accessory parts

  另起炉灶 make a fresh start

  灵巧导弹 agile missile

  (建议)零售价 (suggested)retail price

  领头羊 bellwether

  领土归属 territorial entit lement

  领土完整 territorial integrity

  薪领工人 new-collar workers

  零排放屋 Zero Emissions House (The G8 summit in Hokkaudo, Japan, has clearly focused minds on environment issues and a fururistic "Zero Emissions House" will now be showcased following the summit. )


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



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