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来源:考试网   2020-04-15【

  这天,他们到一村庄,名曰高老庄,见一少年行色匆匆,似有急事。问之,答: “我家老爷三年前为小姐招一贤婿,不料是个猪妖。老爷让我出去寻能人异士除掉此妖。”

  One day they arrived at a village called Gao Lao Zhuang and saw a young man walking in hurry, seemingly because of something urgent. When asked he said: “ Three years ago, my landlord married his daughter to a promising young man who shockingly turned out to be a pig monster. My landlord asked me to find a hero to get rid of him. ”

  悟空说:“我能降妖,前去带路。”那少年将信将疑, 将他带回。高老爷见少年领回一个猴脸妖怪又气又怕, 见到三藏才放下心来。悟空承诺定捉此妖,高老头大喜,款待俩人。

  Wukong said: “I can kill monsters. Show me the way!” The young man took him home with doubt. Seeing that his servant has brought a monkey monster the landlord was afraid and angry but he relaxed at the sight of San Zang. Wukong promised to catch the pig monster which made the host very happy so he entertained them generously.

  此妖怪早出晚归。当天晚上,悟空变作高小姐模样, 在房间中等他回来之后便欲擒他,却被他逃脱。悟空急忙追赶,终在一山洞将他擒获,原来此妖亦是经观音点化在此侯取经人的。

  The monster le山 early in the morning and returned late at night. That night, Wukong disguised himself as the daughter of the host and waited for the monster in the room. When the monster came back Wukong tried to capture him but he escaped. Wukong ran a山er him and finally caught him in a cave. Surprisingly he had also been expecting San Zang as Guanyin told him to.

  悟空带他回去,面见三藏。再收新徒三藏很高兴,给他取名叫八戒。高老头为了表示感谢奉上很多金银,三藏婉拒后带上两名徒弟继续西行。Wukong took him back to San Zang who was happy to have another follower and baptized him Ba Jie. The landlord Gao offered a lot of gold and silver to show his gratitude but San Zang declined. Then they went on with their journey.

  师徒三人一路上披星戴月, 风雨无阻。一日,他们到达黄风岭,路遇虎怪。八戒上前与之交战,几个回合仍不分胜负,悟空便加入战斗以期早些结束。虎怪落荒而逃, 八戒和悟空急忙追赶。虎怪将一石头变作自己模样,然

  后飞回原地劫走三藏。They traveled rain or shine, day and night. One day, they were stopped by a tiger monster on a mountain peak called Huang Feng Ling, literally meaning Yellow Wind Peak. Bajie went up to fight him but several rounds later it was still a tie. To end the fight sooner Wukong joined it. The tiger monster tried to flee. Bajie and Wukong ran a山er him. The tiger monster turned a rock into a man looking exactly like himself and flew back to take away San Zang.

  等八戒和悟空发现中计赶紧返回。发现三藏不见踪影, 二人忙四处寻找,发现一个山洞,洞口刻有“黄风洞” 三字。

  When Bajie and Wukong found out the trick they hurriedly went back only to find Shifu missing so they looked everywhere for him until they saw a cave. At the entrance were carved three words Huang Feng Dong, literally meaning Yellow Wind Cave.


  Wukong told Bajie to take cover and he went to pound on the door. The tiger monster came out to check and Bajie killed him when he was distracted.


  When reported that his inferior had been killed Yellow Wind King, a mink monster, decided to revenge him. A山er thirty rounds of battle with Wukong neither could win. Wukong pulled a pinch of hair and changed them into over a hundred copies of himself who then surrounded the monster.


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



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