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来源:考试网   2020-08-05【

  Zoomers, zeros and Gen Z


  The pandemic has widened two divides in thelabour market


  Countries are beginning to emerge fromeconomic lockdown. As they do, the statistics show how different segments ofthe population have been affected by the pandemic. And the evidence is clearthat the virus has widened existing divides between professionals, low-paidworkers and the young.


  Start with the most fortunate. Manyprofessionals can easily work at home, replacing one-to-one meetings with phonecalls and group meetings with Zoom gatherings or Google hangouts. These“Zoomers” are mostly working on full pay and are currently being spared thedaily commute. For them, the lockdown may be an inconvenience (particularly ifthey have children) but it is not a threat to their standards of living.

  先说说最幸运的人。许多专业工作者可以轻松地在家办公,以打电话的方式代替一对一面谈,以 Zoom 会议和 Google 会议代替小组会议。这些“远程办公者”不仅拿着全额薪金,还免去了日常通勤的麻烦。对他们来说,封锁措施可能确实会带来不便(尤其对于有小孩的家庭来说),但不至于影响他们的生活水平。

  For many others, however, the pandemic is aserious threat. Some are key workers, who have to attend their jobs and are atmore risk from the virus. Others cannot work from home and have either losttheir jobs or seen their incomes cut (despite help from government schemes).Many in this group were already in a weaker position than the Zoomers, becausethey were in jobs with lower wages or less security.


  Some people in this less fortunate groupcan be dubbed the “zeros”. In Britain, almost three-quarters of those onzero-hours contracts are key workers or work in shut-down sectors, says theResolution Foundation, a think-tank.


  A further clue to the toll on the low-paidcame from the latest American non-farm payroll figures. Average hourly earningsrose by 4.7% in April, the biggest monthly gain on record. That sounds likegood news but isn’t.


  It is the result of low-wage workers losingjobs in sectors like hospitality. The same trend can be seen in Britain, wherethe average wage of those in shut-down sectors is less than half of thoseworking at home, according to the Resolution Foundation.


  The mortality rates make even grimmer news.The low-paid (and ethnic minorities) have suffered most. Figures from Britain’sOffice for National Statistics showed that death rates of security guards, careworkers and bus drivers were much higher than average, while those in“professional occupations” had death rates well below the mean.


  Another great divide is between thosealready established in the workforce and Generation Z—those born in the late1990s and early 2000s who are now coming of age. They are entering a job marketextremely hostile to their prospects. Around 30% of British employees agedunder 25 worked in one of the shut-down sectors, according to the Institute forFiscal Studies, another think-tank, compared with 13% of those aged over 25.


  Those in university education are alsobadly affected. For a start, it is harder to get work experience. In America22% of employers have cancelled internship offers, according to the NationalAssociation of Colleges and Employers.


  In the first week of May just under 2,500internships were posted on Monster.com, a recruitment website, compared withover 18,000 in the same week last year. Many of the remaining internships werein roles which could be done remotely. In Britain firms have cut entry-leveljobs by 23%, says the Institute of Student Employers, a recruiters’association.

  今年5月的第一周,招聘网站 Monster.com 上仅发布了不到2500个实习岗位,而去年同期则有多达18000个。在仅剩的这些实习岗位中,其中许多都可以远程办公。据学生雇主协会(英国一家招聘协会)称,英国企业已经削减了23%的初级岗位。

  The short-term shock of the pandemic willleave long-term scars. The Resolution Foundation estimates that the pandemicmeans those emerging from education this year will be less likely to have jobsin three years’ time. The likelihood of being in employment would fall by 13%for graduates and 37% for those with the fewest qualifications.





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