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来源:考试网   2020-04-29【

  峨眉山位于中国西南部的四川省,距成都156 公里,走高速公路需1. 5 小时。

  Taking 1. 5- hour drive for 156 kilometers along the expressway from Chengdu City in the Sichuan basin, southwest of China, you' ll arrive at the well- known scenic spot Mt. Emei.


  Ascending its summit Jinding( the Golden Top), you can enjoy from the top a wonderful mountainous spectacle, seeing below range upon range of rolling mountains stretching westward, all covered with snow, and a wide expanse of flat land lying in an eastward distance. The Mount Emei boasts of such 4 natural wonders as clouds sea, sunrise, "Buddha' s Halo", and "Holy Lamp", as well as its natural landscapes.

  中部群山峰峦叠嶂,含烟凝翠,飞瀑流泉,鸟语花香,草木茂而风光秀,是我国著名的游览胜地,1996 年被联合国教科文组织列入“世界自然与文化遗产”。

  When entering the mountains, you' ll find yourself among large- green- woods, exuberant vegetation and flowers, quiet streams, roaring waterfalls, etc., then you' ll know the reason why it is entitled to one of the best- known tourist attractions in China.

  It thus has been listed as a World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).


  Filled with weird peaks, tranquil valleys, winding roads, abrupt waterfalls, luxuriant vegetation, aged trees as well as wild animals (especially the playing monkey groups), the mountainous scenery abounds in changes with seasons, which earns Mt. Emei the reputation of "The Most Elegant Mountain" in China.






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