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来源:考试网   2019-06-20【

Passage 1


  【参考译文】Karst is a morphological characteristic and the generic term of surface and underground morphology formed under the corrosion of soluble rock by water. South China Karst contains the remarkable types of Karst landforms (such as tower, and pinnacle karst), and grand landscapes such as natural bridges and sky holes, an example of some of the most gorgeous Karst geomorphology in tropical and subtropical regions. South China Karst was included in the World Heritage List by UESCO in 2007 with new content added in 2014.

Passage 2

  福建土楼,又名福建客家土楼。主要分布在福建省漳州南靖、华安,龙岩市永定等地。土楼以土、木、石、竹为主要建筑材料,利用将未经烧焙的按一定比例的沙质黏土和黏质沙土拌合而成,用夹墙板夯筑而成的两层以上的房屋。福建土楼产生于宋元,成熟于明末、清代和民国时期。2008年7以永定客家土楼为主体的福建土楼被正式列入《世界遗产名录》 。

  【参考译文】Fujian Tulou, also known as Fujian Hakka Tulou, are found in Nanjing County of Zhangzhou City, Hua'an County and Yongding County of Longyan City in Fujian Province. The Tulou are a kind of building with over two floors constructed with clamped wall boards. With such major building materials as soil, wood, stones and bamboo, The Tulou are built with sandy clay mixed with sand according without burning or baking. The process originated from the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and matured in the late Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty and the Period of Republic of China. In July 2008, Fujian Tulou (Hakka Tulou as the main body) was officially included in the World Heritage List.





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