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来源:考试网   2020-05-23【

  affiliation 2附属机构

  例:Please put your name, address and affiliation .请在表格上写明姓名、地址及所属 单位。

  affinity (group) card团体(组织)卡(专为具有共同背景或是联系的个人群体,如 从事相同专业、校友或退休人员组织等共同使用的信用卡)

  alter-care service 售后月艮务

  例: Make sure that the company you buy from can offer a comprehensive and convenient after-care service・必须确俱售方公司能提供全面便捷的售后服务。

  after-sales service 1售后服务(常用于汽车、电脑、家用电器等耐用消费品)

  例:We offer a full after-sales sennee .我们提供整鎏的售后服务心

  after-sales service 2 售后服务中心

  倒: Many large companies in Shanghai have geared themselves to the international con- ventbns and set up after-sales services accepting repairs and dealing with customers' ccm- ptaints.上海的许多大公司都专门设有售后服务中心,接受维修业务和处理客户投诉, 目的在于与国际接轨.

  after-sales warranty 售后保单

  against all risks 保全险(如海上保险单)

  例:These are goods insured against all risks.这些是保全险的货物:、


  例:The firm has agencies all over the world.这家公司在全世界都设有代理机构。

  agency recruitment通过职业介绍所招聘

  例: Recruitment in the UK is divided into agency recruitment, advertising or executive search.在英国,崖员招聘方法有三种:通过职业介绍所招聘,广告招聘或通过猎头 公司技罗高级主管人才C

  agenda 议程

  例:An agenda is a list ol rhi^ to discuss at a meeting.议程指会议上议案讨论的程序。

  agent 1代理商,代理人

  例:He ib an authorized a^mt for a lar^e insurance company .他是一家大型保险公司的 特约代理商。

  agent 2作用力

  例: We believe lhat business can be a powerful agent for social change. 我彳[认为商业可 以是社会变革的一个强大作用力。

  aggressive police-style interview technique咄咄逼人的警察审犯人式的面谈方式 例: He dtx?s not suggest an aggressive police-style interviexv technique, but insists that dose inspection of a curriculum vitae is absolutely essentia!.他并不 是说要采用咄 咄逼人 的警察审犯人式的面谈方式,但坚持认为仔细审査个人履历至关畫要。

  aggressive reporting乐观高估的财务报告

  例J: Some financial statements tend to increase income (aggressive reportiTig) , others do crease income (conbervaiive reporting).一些财务报告会增加收益(乐观高估的财务报 告).而另一些会减少收益(保守低估的财务报告L


  例:He works for an ug前)using company .他在一家农业综合企业工作。

  agomdustry (化肥制造、仓库建筑等)农用工业

  例:These major sectors arc telecomms^ IT, agm-industry and whai is termed 1 quelfare1 .这些主要产业包括电讯、信息技术、农用工业以及所谓的“福利产业气

  air freight operator 空运公司

  例I: This air freight operator has no travel service.这家空运公司没有客运业务o


  例:I ^lew with my favourite airline as always.同以往一样,我乘坐的是自己喜欢的航 空公司的飞机。

  airline business 航空业务

  例:Cathay Pacific is in the airline business .国泰航空公司经营航空业务。


  例:English Royal Dutch Airlines英国皇家荷兰航空公司

  air miles 里程奖,亦作 air-mi les awards

  例:The attraction of air miles is easy to understand.体会里程奖的吸引力是很容易的。

  airmiles awards 里程奖,亦作 air miles

  例:Arr-mi/es awards for frequent flyers are one of airline services.为常乘飞机的旅客 没立里程奖是航空公司提供的服务之一。

  air time通话时间

  例: Traditionally, cellular users have paid the air time for incomi昭 calls as well as outgoing. 常规来讲,移动电话用户打出电话和接听电话都要按通话时间缴纳话费。


  例:British Airways英国航空公司。

  alcometer酒精检测仪(通过检査呼吸测出血液中酒精含景的仪器),亦作Breathalyzer ,d ru nkometer

  例: We are empowered to stop any motorist for routine reasons, and we can ask them to blow into the Alcometer if we think they might be over the limit.我们有权让任何一位 司机停车接受常规检查。如果我们认为他们有可能酒精超标,就让他们对着酒精检测 仪呼气。

  all-expenses-paid trip (由公司出钱的)免费旅行

  例: To reward the top sellers, the company is offering them an all-expenses-paid trip to Las Vegas in America.为鼓励业绩出色的销售员,公司将为他们提供到美国拉斯维加 斯的免费旅行。

  allotment 配股

  例:Allotment has been made by random draw because of oversubscription.由于超.额认 购,公司通过抽签进行配股。

  all-risk policy全险,综合险,全险保单

  例:We have taken out an ail-risks policy on the electronic equipment.我们已为电子设 备办理了全险。


  例:Coca-Cola already has 8 percent of the alternati-ve beverage market. 可口可乐公司 已经占领了非主流饮料市场8%的份额。

  aluminum can 易拉鑽, 亦作 ring-pull can 或 pop

  amalgamate 合并

  例: Th。two firms are to increase productivity and save running costs. 两


  amenity 1 (常作amenities)便利设施;生活福利设施

  例: The lai*e 17 th century house has been tastefully renovated and refurbished to provide all the amenities <)( a modem conference centre.这座17世纪.的大房子经过高品位的重 新装修,设施便利齐全.完全符台现代化会议中心的要求。

  amenity 2设施齐全的现代化福利生活区

  例:This area has been developed into an amenity,这一地区开发成为了生活设施配套 齐全的现代住宅小区,'

  American Express美国运通信用卡

  例: Departure-tax stamps can be bought at airports and post offices with Australian currency or by American Express、Visa or MasterCard.离境印花税票可以用澳币或者用美 国运通信用卡、维萨信用卡或万事达信用卡在机场或邮局购买。

  American plan美式酒店服务(提供住宿、一日三餐及一应服务),美式收费制(包 括缮宿及一应服务费在内的旅馆收费制)

  例:American plan includes bed, breakfast, lunch and dinner.美弍酒店服务包括住宿 和一日三餐C

  amortization 摊销

  例: \mortizatim is the depreciation of intangible assets such as Patents and Goodwill. 擔销意味着专利和商誉等无形资产的贬值c

  angel投资天使.对个人投资者(private investors)的别称,亦作angel investor 例:ITs important to start networking to find an angel long before you actually need the capital.关键是.远在真正需要资本之前,公司就必须开始建立关系网,寻找投资天 使Q

  angel investor天使投资者,对个人投资者(private investors)的别称,亦作angel 例: Angel investor : An individual investor who has made one or more equity investments in emerging growth technology firms.投资天使:即在一家或多家新兴科技公司作股本 投资的个人投资者。


  例: The target market has viewed the ad so many times that it no longer makes a positive impression, and, in fact, it may make a negative impression in the form of sn annoyance ・ 目标市场一旦看膩了某个广告,这个广告就不但不会再留下正面印象,事实上,倒可 能因为其令人生厌而造成我面影响°

  annual general meeting年度股东大会(根据法律规定每年举行,出席的包括公司成 员、股东和董事),简称 AGM。口语里也称 the yearly shareholders? meeting

  例:The financial results will be announced at the annual general meeting.财务业绩报 告将在年度股东大会上公布。

  annualization 年工时制

  例:She also said companies might be able to ijnplement the government' s measures based on the ''annualization" of working hours rather than a calculation week by week.她还 说,公司或许能实行政府以年工时制取代以周结算为基础的一系列措施。

  annual production 年产量

  例:Within five years annual production went from 20 000 to 230 000 cars and the com- pany founded its first South American subsidiary.五年中,公司年产轿车量从 2 万台上 升到23万台,并在南美建立了第一家分公司。

  annual profit年收益,年利润

  例:The company produces an annual profit of 25 million.这家公司的年成益为 2500 万美元。

  annual report 年报

  例:An annual report is a document which tells you about the company's performance over the year.年报是公司年度业绩的文字报告。

  annual return年度报表

  例:We arc in the middle of making our annual return .我们正在编制年度报表°

  answering machine 录音电话,等于(英)answerphone

  例:There were three messages on the sswering machine.录音电话上有三段留言。

  answerphone 录音电话

  例: 77也 has fourteen minutes * recording time, which is a bonus for any business -


  anti-fraud technique 防伪技术


  例: Antitrust laws arc a set of laws in the USA that aim to prevent large companies from controling all of the market for their products or services.反托拉斯法是美国制定的一卖 法律,目的在于防止大公司对其商品或服务实行市场垄断。

  any other business任何其他议题(通常在会议议程末),简称AOB

  例1 : Is there any other business?有任何其他议题吗?

  例2: You may bring the item up under any other该你可以在任何其他议题时间 摂出这项议题。

  例 3: As staff holiday arrangement is a bit complicated this time, I don't think we should include it under any other business . 1 think ii should be a separate item.我认为,由于这 一次的员工休假安排情况有些复杂,不该把它放在任何其他议题中,而应将其作为一 个单独议题专项讨论。



  例:Department stores appeal to people of all age groups, but particularly the 30-50 age category.百货商场对所有年龄组的人都具有吸弓,力,但对30岁到50岁的人尤其如 此°

  apple polishing逢迎,拍马(指为了自我利益吹捧上司的行为)

  例:Other employees didn't like him and believed that his recent promotion was more the result of his apple polishing than his actual achievements.员工们不専欢他,认为他近 来的提升更多是因为他会溜须拍马,而不是工作业绩。



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