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来源:考试网   2020-06-04【


  例 1: All staff must make full use of in-house photocopying apparatus,所有员工必须充分利用公司自备的复印机。

  例2: This is a large company with an m-hfmse staff of translators. 这是一家自 己拥有一 支翻译队伍的大公司。

  例 3: He is in chaise of the in-house staff training prc^ramine.他负责公司内部员工培 训计戈"

  in-house information security advisor 公司信息安全顾问

  例: Eighty per cent of the Fortune 1 000 companies now maintain in-house information security advisors .《财富》杂志评选出来的1 000家•公司中,有80%如今有自己的信 息安全顾问。

  in-house magazine 公司内部杂志

  例:An in-house magazine tells people — usually people inside the company — about the life of the organization.公司内部杂志通常面向公司员工,向他们发布有关公司的信息和 动态。

  initial public offering首次公开发行股票,首期上市股票,简称I.P.O.

  例: The new high-tech, high-grow th Internet companies can do an initial public offering in less than 12 months.新创办的高科技、高成长网络公司可以在创办不到12个月 便首次公开发行股票。

  initiation fee 入会费

  initiative 1 主动权

  例:They lost the initiati-ue to foreign competition.他们在与外国的竞争中丧失了主动 权。

  initiative 2首创精神

  例: Caring means listening and enajursgir^ new ideas and fresh initiatives , action and a ?ense of responsibility-关心员工意味着倾听员工意见,鼓质创新思维和创新精神,提 倡主动性及赍任感。

  initiative 3 进取心

  例:If you show that you have initiative, you will sooner or later be promoted.如果你显 示出你有进取心.你込早会得到提升。

  initiative 4积极行动

  例:We have two initiatives planned for the next year.明年我们计划采取两项积极行 动C

  inkjet printer喷墨打印机

  例:If you purchase now, you will receive the New Xerox Colour Inkjet Printer» the DocuPrint XJ4C, absolutely free.如果你现在购买,可免费获得新款"施乐' DocuPrint XJ4C牌静电彩色喷暴打印机一台°

  innovation 创新

  例; bmoi)ation is now driving the growth of the whole business and manufacturLiig industry as companies realize they must innovate to remain competitive in today * s global market,创新正在推动整个工商业的发展,这是因为公司企业彿意识到要想在今天的 国际市场上保持竞争力就必须创新。

  innovative businesses富有创新精神的企业


  例: Business remains still very much a male domain and although inroads have been made by Japanese women, it is still unusual to find them in high level positions- 尽管 日 本妇女 已跻身商界,该领域仍然还是男人的天下,高层管理职位很少由女性占据。

  insider dealing (利用内幕消息谋利的)内幕交易

  例:The Finance Director has been accused of insider dealing.财务主管被控参与内幕 交易。

  inside track内圈跑道,(竞争的)有利地位,优先权利,优先待遇

  例:The owner's son has the imide track for the job.老板的儿子有优先获得这项职务 的权利。

  insolvency资不抵债,破产,无偿债能力(公司资产的账面价值低于其负债价值时 出现的一种情况)

  例:The company is facing the risk of insolijency.该公司面临破产危险 o

  inspection certificate 检验证书

  例:Documentation for export shipments includes Inspection Certificate 出口货物运输 所需文件包括检验证书。

  instant messaging 即时信息

  例: Today's Internet is a powerful way io communicate, includir^ e-mailT instant messaging and chatroom services-今天的因特网具有强大的通信功能,它可以捷供电子邮 件、即时信息和聊天室等多种通信方式。


  例: To many peopleT Coke stands beside baseball, hot-dogs, and apple pie as an American institution .对许多人而言,可口可乐与棒球、热狗和苹果馅饼一样,是世人所知的 美国特有产物。

  in-store promotion 店内促销

  例: A promotion based on advertising in the actual shop is an in-store promotion .店 内促 销指直接在店内进行的广告促销活动。

  insufficient funds资金不足(指存款人的账面余额不足,银行无法兑付其支票所出现 的一种情况)

  insurance 保险,包括范围广泛,有 life insurance (人寿保险)、accident insurance (事故保险travel insurance (旅行保险)、medical insurance (医疗保险)、health insurance (健康保险)、critical illness insurance (重大疾病保险)等等。

  例:【had to takeout insurance when 1 boi^ht the house.买房孑•时,我不得不办理保 险。

  insurance adjuster (保险)理算员(代表保险公司与被保险人解决理赔金额问题的 人)

  例;Insurance companies may use insurance adjusters to negotiate the amount of insurance to be paid. 保险公司会派理算员来受理应该赔付的保险金c

  insurance broker保险经纪人(就多家保险公司的保单提供咨询,并为保户办理保险 契约,由承保人给付佣金)

  例: An insurance broker is the person who finds you the best insurance policy at the best price,保险经纪人负责为客户寻找最佳价格的最佳险舛。

  insurance business 保险业

  例:Lloyd's of London is in the insurance business -伦敦的劳埃智保检社经营保险业 务。

  insurance certificate 保险证书

  例:Documental ion for export shipments includes Insurance Certificate .出 口货物运输 所需文件包括保险证书。

  insurance coverage 承保范围

  例:The insurance company usually requires considerable information about policy holders before extending insurance coverage・保险公司在提供承保范围之前,通常会•要求投保 人出具大量个人信息裕料。

  insurance premium 保(险)费

  例:Insurance premium is an amount of money paid regularly by a client io an insurance company.保险费是被保险人按时交纳给保险公司的费用。

  intangible asset无形资产(如信誉、专利、商标、知识产权等),亦作intangibles 例;A trade mark is one of the most important intangible assets .商标是最重要的无形资 产之一。

  Integrated Services Digital Network 综合业务数字网(俗称“一线通”),简称 ISDN 例:ISDN, which stands for Integrated Services Digital Network , is a new world standard for combining all communication functions, ISDN,即综会业务数字网,是一种结 合所有通信功能的新的世界性标准。

  integration programme (与当地企业)整合方案

  例:The relocation company also offers integration programmes .这家安迁重置服务公 司还提供与迁址地企业整合方案Q

  integrity 诚信

  例 1; The tradition of integrity is very important for a company.诚信的传统对一个企 业来说非常重要。

  例 2: A good manager in today*s world must have courage and a strong sense of integri- 成.在今天的世界中,一位优秀经理必须具备勇气和高度的诚信c

  intellectual property 知识产权°

  例: Another important area of commercial law is the law on patents, which protect the company's intellectual property .商法的另一重要领域是专利权法.它保护公司的知 识产权。

  inter-company game公司间竞赛游戏

  例: Al a different level, there are inter-c(mpany games in which teams from a range of organizations and industries come together in friendly competilion, 此外,还有公司间竞 赛游戏,由来自各种不同公司、不同行业的团队在一起展开友好竞争C

  interest rate 矛息

  例: They are winning business by using a lower cost base to offer their customers better interest rates on savings lhan iradiiional banks.他们通过运用低成本基数的办法,为客 户聂供比传统银行优惠的存款利息,从而赢得业务。

  interim dividend 中期红利

  例 1; The payment to shareholders at the half-year point is called the interim dividend. 在年度中期给股东发放的酬金被称为中期红利。

  例 2: After trading for six months, the company paid out an interim dividend . 交易进 行了 6个月后,公司发放了中期红利。

  interim profit 中期利润

  例:The company made an interm profit of $ 12m, compared with $ 23m in 1998.该 公司中期利润为1 200万美元,而在M98年的同期利涧为2 300万美元。

  mterior design 室内装饰

  例: Wc have added a more modern inferior design , which have enhanced both almo、 sphere and comfort.我们增加了更富有现代风格的室内装饰,使之更舒适,更富有情 调。

  inlermediate product中间产品,等部件

  例: Much U.S. importir® consists of intermediate, rather than final, products .美国大 多进口中间产品,而不是聂终产品。

  internal applicant公司内部的申请者

  例:Iniertial applicants arc easy to recruit by memo, e-mail or newsletter, 招 骋公司 内 部的申请者比较容易,可以通过备忘录、电子邮件和业务通豕的方式进行。

  internal audit内部审计,与external audit (外部审计)相对

  例:This marketing audit consists of a typical SWOT analysis with an internal audit to look at factors within the company and an external audit examining factors outside our immediate control.这项营绡审核包括典型的SWOT分析,即由内部审计审查公司内部


  internal communications 公司内部沟通

  例:An effectively coordinated internal corn rn it nica titms system is very important for a company.高度协调的公司内部沟通系统对公司而言非常重要。

  :ntemal recruitment (从公司)内部招聘

  例:The company has a strong internal recruitment policy、该公司政策偏向内部招聘 c

  international business development manager 国际业务开发部经理

  International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会(由工商界人士组成,旨在国际事务中 促进和保护商业利益的国际性组织,总部设在巴黎)简祢ICC

  例:The Inlerrtalitmal Chumbev uf Commerce has published a number of guidelines for world industry about the care of the environment.国际商会已向全球工业界公布了若干 有关环境保护的准则。

  international code of business ethics 国际商业道徳规范

  例: There is likely no international code of business ethics because the standards arc influenced so strongly by the nation * s people and culture. Yet there are sets of standards applicable to numerous markets.由于道德水准受到民族、文化的极大影响,要统一国际商 业道德规范也许不大可能,但还是有一些道德标准在许多国家的市场中都适用C

  international commodity 国际性商品

  例:Coffee is a truly international comm(xii£y, and today more than 50 countries in the world grow cbffee beans.咖啡是名副其实的国际性商品,当今世界上有五十多个国家 种植咖啡豆。

  international group 跨国集团公司

  例: As a major international group, we have large operations in Europe and North America.我公司为大型跨国集团,在欧洲和北美都设有大型企业。

  international leasing 国际租赁

  例:International leasing is a kind of transaction is which the lessee imports, and the lessor exports capital or durable consumer goods.国际租赁是承租人进口和出租人出 口 资本或耐用消费品的一种交易。

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