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来源:考试网   2012-09-24【


Dialogue 1考试网(www.Examw。com)
  F:Hello,Mr Henson,welcome to Beijing! Is this your first time to visit china?
  M:Oh no,I’v already made several trips to Guangzhou,this is my first trip to Beijing though.it is a lot larger than I expected it would be.
  F:Yes,Beijing has been broken over the last few years,there are a lot of improvement changing be made for Olympic,what would you like to see when are you here?
  M:I hope to have time to visit great wall when I am here,I always want to go there,I think it would be a real shame by came all the way in Beijing and didn’t make out the wall,do you think I have a chance to see it?
  F:I can pretty sure it can be arranged,the wall is a short distance from the city,but we could make arrangements for driver to take us out to visit the great wall during when our afternoon breaks,I also recommend you to visit Tian’an Men Square and city while you add it!
  M:Yes,that would be nice,would I have a tour guide to tour completely visit these places?
  F:Don’t worry,I would be able to go along with you,over the next few days,if you have any questions or problems,I will be right here to help you out,I can be a translator and tour guide.
  M:Thank you very much.
  F:My pleasure,I hope your visit to Beijing is very enjoyable!






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