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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2019年12月25日 ]


  一、语言知识。(1′×20 = 20′)

  A) 根据释义写出据句中所缺的单词。(1′×6 = 6′)

  1. journalist       2. bands        3. accident

  4. tourists        5. crops        6. February

  B) 根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(1′×6 = 6′)

  1. careless       2. women singers    3.heavily

  4. science        5. unlike        6. really

  C) 根据句意,选用所给词或词组的适当形式填空。(1′×8 = 8′)

  1. up and down     2. went on        3. is going back to

  4. fell down      5. More than       6. is the same

  7. was afraid      8. turn

  二、完成下列对话, 每空一词。(0.5′×10 = 5′)

  1. isn’t   2. it   3. cold  4. wearing   5. the

  6. year   7. why  8. than  9. best    10.skating

  三、选择最佳选项。(1′×14 = 14′)

  1---5 A C B D B     6---10 A D C C B   11---14 B A D C

  四、语法。(1′×16 = 16′)

  A) 句型转换。(1′×5 = 5′)

  1. There weren’t two concerts in Nanjing last month.

  Were there two concerts in Nanjing last month?

  What was in Nanjing last month?

  2. isn’t it    3. shall we    4. does it      5. didn’t they

  B) 改写句子,使其与原句意思相同或相近。(1′×5 = 5′)

  1. went…in a hurry        2. got married

  3. when she was five years old    4. How’s the weather

  5. last from July 5th to August 30th/start in July 5th, and goes on to August 30th

  D) 改错。下列各句均有一处错误,找出并在后面横线上改正。(1′×6 =6′)

  1. (C) thousand   2. (B) listening   3. (B) to climb

  4. (C) will       5. (A/B) needs to/ to wear  6. (C) stopped

  五、完成下列句子。(1′×10 = 10′)

  1. What happened at the end 2. Write down the answers to the questions

  3. everything begins to grow, flowers come out

  4. in the past       5. gave a concert

  6. The best time to visit   7. Summer is good for sports

  8. any other part of     9. Thank you/Thanks for helping the farmers with

  10.At the start of the meeting, how many people were there

  六、阅读理解。(1′×10 = 10′)

  (A) C C D C A      (B) C B B C C

  七、完形填空。(1′×10 = 10′)

  1---5 C B D A D    6---10 C D D C B

  八、首字母填空。(1′×10 = 10′)

  1. seasons 2. opposite   3. November 4. summer 5. hottest

  6. famous 7. nearly    8. both    9. sheep  10.called

  九、书面表达:(1′×5 = 5′)

  My uncle grew up in Toronto, Canada. His parents were both doctors. He learnt Chinese in Pecking University. Now he’s working in a Canadian company in Beijing. He’s going to get married next year.

  His favourite subjects were languages and maths at school. He enjoyed music very much. He started his band called Long when he was twenty years old. It’s one of the most famous bands in Beijing. There are four singers in it. They can sing in Chinese and English. They can also write beautiful songs and music.

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