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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2019年12月25日 ]

  四、语法。(1′×16 = 16′)

  A) 句型转换。(1′×5 = 5′)

  1.   There were two concerts in Nanjing last month.




  2. Living in the country is quite interesting,      ? (以下完成反意疑问句)

  3 Let’s go the park tomorrow,         ?

  4. The weather in the city never gets too cold,       ?

  5. The children looked unhappy just now,         ?

  B) 改写句子,使其与原句意思相同或相近。(1′×5 = 5′)

  1. She hurried to see her son on weekends.

  She        to see her son         on weekends.

  2.   Jane became(变成)Thomas’ wife four years ago.

  Jane and Thomas            four years ago.

  3.   She began to learn French at five.

  She began to learn French                  .

  4.   What’s the weather like in your hometown?

  in your hometown?

  5.   Summer holidays start in July 5th, and finish in August 30th.

  Summer holidays                      ?

  Summer holidays                      ?

  C) 改错。下列各句均有一处错误,找出并在后面横线上改正。(1′×6 = 6′)

  (  ) 1. There were over two thousands people in the zoo on Children’s Day.

  A B     C         D

  (  ) 2. I enjoyed to listen to the popular music very much.

  A   B  C          D

  (  ) 3. The boy tried climbing up the tree, but he couldn’t.

  A   B       C   D

  (  ) 4. Don’t read in the sun, do you?

  A B    C D

  (  ) 5. He needs wear lots of warm clothes in winter.

  A  B  C     D

  (  ) 6. It was very late, so he stoped his work and left the factory.

  A     B   C       D

  五、完成下列句子。(1′×10 = 10′)

  1. 在比赛结束时发生了什么事?

  of the match?

  2. 把这些问题的答案写在你的练习本上。

  on your exercise book.

  3. 春天万物复苏, 花儿开放。

  In spring                       .

  4    在过去穷人很穷。

  The poor were poor             .

  5. 陈冠希昨晚在广州举办了一场音乐会。

  Chen Guanxi              in Guangzhou last night.

  6.  观光北京最好时节是春天或秋天。

  Beijing is spring or autumn.

  7.  夏天有利于运动,所以许多年轻人都非常喜欢它。

  , so many young people like it very much.

  8.  你来昆明之前到过中国其他地方吗?

  Did you go to         China before you came to Kunming?

  9.  谢谢你帮农民们收获水稻。

  the rice harvest.

  10. 上午会议开始时,有多少人在办公室?

  in the office this morning?

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