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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2019年12月25日 ]

  七、完形填空。(1′×10 = 10′)

  In 1820, it was difficult to make weather maps.   1   was it so difficult? It was not easy then to get weather reports(报道)   2  . The scientists needed the reports to make the maps. Today it is not difficult to get weather reports quickly from everywhere.

  Today the world   3  together to make weather maps. There are weather offices in many, many places. They study the   4  24 hours a day, seven days a week. All their reports will be   5  maps in New York, London, Tokyo, and many other places.

  People in all these places speak   6  , but this is not a problem. Weather has its own language and people in all countries can   7  it. The weathermen draw maps in the same figures(图形) and numbers in all countries.Sometimes we plan we  8  the next day around the weather. We want to know what we can do or can’t do. We watch television to find out the weather for   9  . We can listen to the radio or read the newspaper to know about the weather. People all over the world can read the same weather maps. They can know about the weather. They can   10  their days, too.

  (  )1. A. How long  B. When    C. Why   D. Where

  (  )2. A. certainly   B. quickly   C. slowly   D. clearly

  (  )3. A. gets     B. comes    C. thinks   D. works

  (  )4. A. weather   B. subject   C. science   D. the sky

  (  )5. A. over     B. from     C. to     D. on

  (  )6. A. all kinds of languages B. the same language

  C. different languages  D. an international(全世界的) language

  (  )7. A. know  B. see   C. speak   D. understand

  (  )8. A. are making B. will make  C. are doing  D. will do

  (  )9. A. a short time B. a long time C. tomorrow  D. yesterday

  (  )10.A.take    B. plan    C. have    D. enjoy

  八、首字母填空。(1′×10 = 10′)

  Australia is in the South of the earth. The s  1  in Australia and in China are just o  2  . Spring in Australia is from September to N   3 , and winter is in July and August. When it’s s  4   in China, it’s winter in Australia. January is the h  5   month in Australia.

  The f  6  Ayers Rock in Australia is n  7   two thousand kilometers from Sydney. You can’t reach the top because it is too hot.

  Kangaroos(袋鼠) and sheep are b  8   popular in Australia. You can see kangaroos not only in zoos but also outside the cities and towns. The population(人口) of Australia is about seventeen million(百万), and there are ten s  9  for every person. That’s why Australia is c  10  by people all over the world “the country on the backs of sheep.”

  1.        2.        3.        4.

  5.        6.        7.        8.

  9.       10.

  九、书面表达:(1′×5 = 5′)

  假如你是Li Shu, 在www.ecp.com.cn的聊天室认识了网友Elsa, 谈话中你们谈及了各自的家庭情况,请你以My uncle…为主题介绍他的经历,并用e-mail快速发送至winner–,并抄送一份至yytcz@ ecp.com.cn。要求句子通顺,标点正确,60-80字左右。

  1. 他在加拿大的多伦多长大,父母都是医生。

  2. 他在北京大学(Peking University)学习中文,毕业后在北京的一家加拿大公


  3. 他擅长的学科是语言和数学。他非常喜爱音乐,二十岁时开始自己的乐队叫“龙”,是北京最著名的乐队之一,由四人组成,能用英文和中文唱歌, 也能写好听的歌。

收件人:winner –


主题:My uncle


Dear Elsa,


Li Shu


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