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中华考试网   2016-02-18   【



  Two ways of keeping eggs moist:

  1)lay the eggs below water. e.g. frogs lay their eggs underwater and let the liquid permeate the eggs to keep them moist

  2)lay eggs with special protecting structures. eg: snakes eggs have a tough shell structure that helps maintain the moisture


  Ecosystem engineering: 动物住在一个地方,这个地方会变得适合其他动物生存。两种方式




  【讲课要点】:尽管wildfire会给动物造成damage, 但是也可以带来好处。

  1. 能给动物提供栖息地,比如woodpecker在烧过的树洞里筑巢;

  2. renew vegetation, 把旧的植物wipe out, 给新的植物生长带来条件,新的植物更nutritious, which are more attractive to deer.


  【讲座主题】生物学的。说在一个tropical rainforest里面生活animal都在canopy上飞 tree to tree 动物们为了survive独居,领地侵犯等,进化出两种behavior。

  【相关例子】第一种是searching food alone, individually因为这个地方的食物很分散,group一起找食物,就会不够吃。各自找会有better chance 找到更多吃的。给了一例子 :猩猩ape 都自己找食物。

  第二种是make sounds保护自己的领地。穿过厚厚的叶子树来让别的兄弟知道要不然在树上飞啊飞的就会撞一起然后受伤,给了一个例子:说一种猴子 monkey 他们就大叫,来让不小心进入其领地的动物知道这是他的地盘


  说有时候动物吃的东西不是我们想象中的东西,有时候会吃点乱七八糟的东西,比如说earth or soil.他们吃这些东西是有作用的。然后举两个鸟的例子。一个是R鸟,吃soil是为了磨碎食物,这样help digestion, 说因为鸟没有牙吖,所以吃soil可以帮助把大的食物,esp large seeds, 磨成small pieces.另一个是鹦鹉Parrot,吃soil可以nutralize失误中的poison,这样就不会get sick


  讲unhatched eggs communication 对他们survival的重要性,一是保证它们同时破壳,不被left behind,二是让他们的妈妈能够发现他们,举了鳄鱼的例子,鳄鱼的卵被heavy mugs cover着,要被他们的妈妈发现才能存活下去。


  反正说的是FARMER 怎么给CROPS从土里提供氮养啥的。有俩方法,我只听到一个 - = 具体说那一个我都没听全啊…


  是restricted codes,就是same group的人可以用很少的话语就可以让彼此意会。第一方面是SHARE same pro knowledge的人用这个。举了医生例子,医生间用很少的的话就可以解释,但是医生和病人间需要更多细节才能明白。第二个没听见走神了。例子是出去picnic食物被goat吃了,以后大家提起简单地提起goat, picnic就笑,很快就明白意思。


  版本1 这个lecture讲了动物储存食物 (hoarding)的两种不同方式

  1)all food in one location,但是这就要求动物必须能够守住这些食物,用physical prevention 来 defense. 比如Squirrel, 他们会把所有食物都藏带一个地方,但是如果有 birds或者其他都无来抢的时候他们就会把这些掠食者赶走, drive them away

  2)disperse, divide up food and save in different locations, 但是这要求动物必须记性特别好(good memory)记的食物都放在那些地方了.比如 Rat in desert, 它们把食物藏在hundreds of locations,但是他们记性好,都记得这些locations在哪里

  版本2 :心理学--generalizing

  阅读部分: 在学习语言的过程中,儿童很容易把一个词的意思理解为仅仅是用来表示一个特定的物体(one specific object),随着年龄的增长,儿童能逐渐理解一个单词不仅能用来描述一件物品,而是可以用来表示某一类物品。这种现象叫做归纳(generalizing)。

  听力部分:教授的儿子三岁时,他有一个玩具火车,爸爸妈妈就教给儿子这个东西叫做"train"。有一天爸妈带着儿子出去玩,途径火车站,爸爸就指着火车说这是"train",当时儿子就显得非常不理解(upset and confused)。而到儿子四岁时,他就能够正确使用"train"这个词了,并且能明白这个词不仅仅能够表示他的玩具火车,还能用来表示火车站里真正的火车。



  The professor talks about how animals that doesn't live underwater do to stay under the water. The first way is to reduce movement in order to save oxygen. For example, alligators hunt under water by staying very still, basically no movement. In doing so, it can cut down heart rate, therefore cut down the need for more oxygen. The second way is to minimize the time spent under water. For example, brown pelican dives down to catch fish in the water. It doesn't go to deep, and it has air sacks that open when in the water. That will help the pelican to get back to the surface as fast as possible for oxygen.


  The professor talks about two types of suspense in a movie.

  The first type is that the audience feels interesting to guess the end. For example, two heroes set the same goal, but the audiences have no idea who comes first.

  The second type is that the audiences know the end but they have no clue how to get to the end. For example, in a love story, the hero and heroine doom to meet in the end, but how they meet each other becomes intriguing.



  In the lecture the professor talks about two cues to judge the qualities of products by consumer. The first clue is the intrinsic cue which means the customers judge the products qualities by their physical characteristic, such as color, texture, sizes. For example, food, customers will think it has good qualities if it has good taste. The opposite cue is the extrinsic cue; the customers don't judge the product quality by physical characteristics. For example, juice, if the bottle of juice is a good looking glass bottle and has good label, consumers think it has good quality. So products are evaluated by external packs but not the taste of the juice itself.


  two ways for whales to use sounds to survive in the deep ocean. First, navigate. Hear the refection from objects so that wholes can get right direction. Second obtain food. Since whole are in group, one can call other whales if it find any fish.


  教授讲商品product要有utility,顾客才会购买。two types utilities:1、utility of form形态效用:意思是产品要满足人们的特殊需求have features customers need,人们才会买。例:人们要买防寒服winter coats made of fabric material and feather是因为冬天要保暖keep worm、防雨be waterproof。2、utility of place地点效用:意思是要在正确的地点销售产品the product should be at the place where customers need it。例:防寒服winter coats,如果在Alaska where is very cold一定好卖,因为那里的人非常需要防寒服。如果在热带岛屿tropic island就没人买,那里的人根本用不着防寒服。


  【讲课要点】:During long distance travel, animals navigate themselves by two ways:

  方法1、by sight:举例:美国一Ducks(野鸭)fly at night. Stars help them to distinguish their own flying way. They can distinguish different groups of stars.

  方法2、by smell: For example, Salmons(大马哈鱼)track a unique scent released by plants or something in the river/stream to get to游回它们出生地sites to 产卵lay eggs. Every stream has its unique scent because of the chemicals released by soil and plant.



  -plan excessively, too detailed

  example: professor去年做了一个很详细的daily plan,安排好她什么时候该备课,写essay,锻炼 etc. 但是她没办法完成,所以觉得很frustrated


  example: professor说自己以前答应过一个朋友帮他看paper, 她本来以外一个周末就可以搞定,但是其实take more time than she expected。她还有去上网查相关的资料,因为她不熟悉这个topic.


  讲negative ideation


  教授很喜欢chocolate bar但吃太多不好

  后来就把它想象成是泥做的来reduce the temptation


  讲座讲: 广告商经常利用广告带给观众的emotions 来促进产品销量,

  第一种方式: Produce positive emotions

  eg: 一种shampoo 广告, 一个baby 用这种shampoo, 笑得好甜, the smiling face relax the mother 消费者,尤其是妈妈们就将使用这种shampoo和自己宝宝和自己愉快的经历联系起来,进而购买.

  第二种方式: Produce negative emotions

  eg: 一个man 的car 在雨天broke down 了, 他没有手机,只好在雨中不行前往公用电话厅打电话求助. 观众自己就会worry about themselves, they don't even want to imagine how terrible the situation is, 然后自己就赶快去买了.



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