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中华考试网   2017-05-08   【

  § spin

  § 纺(纱、线)

  § This blue planet, and near her, the white moon that holds us in her gravitational pull so that we spin at the speed of life.

  § multiply

  § 增加

  § This gene controls the glucose consumption of cells and so provides the fuel by which they growand multiply.

  § turnpike

  § 收费公路

  § A consortium led by Abertis, a Spanish infrastructure company, pulled its $12.8 billion proposalto take over the running of Pennsylvania’s turnpike, the state’s main toll road.

  § weight

  § 重物

  § So how would we go about solving this problem if I told you not only was there a maximum weight, but there was a maximum volume.

  § terrain

  § ground

  § 地形、地势

  § But often I get so carried away that these conversations tend to go off on wild tangents,exploring a wide terrain in search of especially fertile common ground.

  § ingredient

  § 要素、组成部分

  § For example, if genetic engineering simply moves a gene for a common food ingredient fromone safe food crop to another, this does not expose consumers to new components in their foodsupply.

  § laden

  § 满载的

  § There are going to be some folks who deny it. The fact of the matter is, you will not see Bin Laden walking on this earth again.

  § wagon

  § 货车

  § Suffering was terrible. An officer who led the wagon train said he learned more about the horrors of war on that one trip than he had learned in all of his battles.

  § flangedwheel

  § 带凸缘的轮子

  § haul

  § pull

  § 拉

  § Push

  § “I came to realize that so much of Beijing was destroyed because no one was willing to pay these men for overtime” to haul away relics, he said, half-jokingly.

  § stationary

  § still

  § 固定的、静止的

  § Moving

  § To the stationary one on the platform, the light expanded also, but in addition Einstein saw themovement of the train caused one side to meet the wave earlier than the other side.

  § flickering

  § 闪烁的

  § When there is a power failure, people grope about in flickering candlelight, cars hesitate in the streets because there are no traffic lights to guide them, and food spoils in silent refrigerators.

  § virtual

  § 实际上

  § Two other concepts you should be familiar with are virtual Ethernet and shared Ethernet.



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