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中华考试网   2017-05-08   【

  § floral

  § plant, vegetation

  § 植物的

  § Half of all people cannot smell it, about 15 percent find it woody or floral, and the rest think itsmells like stale urine.

  § vegetation/succession

  § 自然演替

  § I think they were just a succession of dings but I'm hearing it-- my mind wants to hear this organization So there's another organization here of units of three.

  § limestone

  § 石灰岩

  § You bring iron ore from one part of the planet, carbon, limestone, you put it into this reactor andyou ship this all over the world.

  § ubiquitous

  § common

  § 随处可见的

  § Taking this one step further, is life also ubiquitous in the multiverse? There are both zero andinfinite answers to that question.

  § marine

  § 海洋的

  § We know exactly how long this wreck has been under water and how long marine life has been growing on it.

  § arthropod

  § 节肢动物

  § We were hoping that was just a tiny trash can but, no, it's a coconut crab, which is the biggest arthropod that lives on land.

  § dinosaur

  § 恐龙

  § To have a visual reminder of an effects shot I’d seen in a movie, I’d use a toy spaceship orplastic dinosaur and try copying the shot, which gave me a print that I could study and hold.

  § nighttime

  § 夜间的

  § "Because of these impacts, we'd like to know what happens to these nitrogen oxides in nighttime air, where do they go, what do they do," Thornton said.

  § illumination

  § 照明

  § Producing millions of gallons of oil each year, the industry was widely seen as unassailable, withadvocates scoffing at would-be illumination substitutes like lard oil and camphene.

  § millennium

  § 一千年

  § What will this mean if all our great efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals arecancelled out by the health consequences of climate change?

  § rival

  § compete

  § 与……匹敌\相媲

  § In any case, with the information I provided in my first Soapbox article, you should be armed withenough knowledge about SOAP and RPC to compare it to its primary rival in programmingtoday, RMI.

  § charcoal

  § 木炭

  § It amazed me that they always looked impeccable in their uniforms with white shirts which hadbeen washed by hand, dried on the bushes and then ironed with an iron filled with charcoal.

  § bellow

  § 轰鸣声

  § Bellow's 11th novel is a modern love story, with the action relayed through a mix of conversations and phone calls.

  § raw material

  § 原材料

  § If code is design, then the computer languages and frameworks we use define the raw material for what we can design.

  § retained

  § 保留的

  § Since the“locals” used by an asynchronous functions are actually fields on an anonymousclass, they must be retained for the duration of the call.

  § monopoly

  § 垄断

  § All they have is what has been allocated by the monopoly producer: the same things that have been allocated to everyone.



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