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中华考试网   2017-04-18   【

  get off the ground 进行顺利;刚开始

  get on the ball 机灵些;敏捷些

  get one wrong 误会某人

  get one‘s goat 故意为难

  get out of the bed on the wrong side 脾气好的人突然变得难以相处

  get over 完成;复原;超越

  get pinched 失手;落网

  get rid of 干掉;摆脱

  get rolling 开始;动手

  get rusty 技术、头脑等生疏

  get sb by the neck 捉住

  get somewhere 有所成就

  get sth off one‘s chest 把心中的话讲出来

  get sth straight 办好;搞通;了解

  get stuck 抛锚;进入僵局

  get the bulge on 占优势;胜过;欺诈

  get the drop on 先发制人

  get the green light 得到……许可

  get the picture 明白某种情形

  get the sack 被解雇

  get through 到达;办完;通过;花光

  get through to 使理解;打通电话

  get together again 破镜重圆

  get up the courage 鼓起勇气

  get what‘s coming to one 咎由自取

  get wise to 了解;明白

  get with it 快点!



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