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来源:考试网   2013-03-21【

Somsak: Ah! Miss Stewart! Welcome! How are you?
Susan: Fine, Somsak. And you?
Somsak: Fine, thank you.
Susan: This is my friend Harry Bennett.
Harry: Pleased to meet you.
Somsak: Very nice to meet you. Any friend of Miss Stewart's is welcome at Somsak's. Follow me, please.
Harry: I like it here.
Susan: I do, too. I come here often.
Somsak: A special place for special people.
Susan: Thank you, Somsak.

Harry: Well! Nice restaurant.
Somsak: Would you like something to drink?
Susan: Yes, I'd like a glass of ginger ale with ice. Harry, what would you like?
Harry: Do you have a dry white wine?
Somsak: How about a California chablis?
Harry: Chablis is fine.
Somsak: What would you like to eat?
Susan: I'd like the mee krob. Harry, would you like to see a menu?
Harry: No, it's OK. I'll have the mee krob also. What is it?
Susan: Crispy fried noodles. I love them.
Somsak: May I bring you a salad?
Susan: Oh yes. What do you recommend today?
Somsak: I recommend rose-petal salad. Special for new friends.
Susan: Rose-petal salad?
Harry: Why not?
Somsak: I'll take care of everything.


1. A special place for special people.
special people 在这儿的意思是指身分高贵,品味不俗的客人。后文中还有一句"Special for new friends."这里的specia指平常不轻易供应,特别为某人烹调的。嘴这么甜!可见这位泰国老板Somsak还是很会作生意的嘛~~

2. Would you like something to drink?

3. I'd like a glass of ginger ale with ice.
我想要一杯带冰的姜味汽水。在点菜或饮料时可以说"I'd like..."(我想要..)。另外也可以讲"I'll have..."(我要……)或者"Do you have...?"(有……吗?)
ginger ale姜味汽水,是一种用姜汁制成的不含酒精的饮料。

4. How about a California chablis?
在向别人推荐某种饮品或菜肴时,可以用"How about...?"(来点……好吗?)

5. What would you like to eat?
Susan点的"mee krob",是泰国炒面,它是泰国的一种家常餐点。

6. May I bring you a salad?
"May I bring you..."(要不要来点……呢?)是向顾客推荐菜肴的另一种讲法。
在美国餐馆里,点菜的顺序一般是这样的:饮料(drinks),汤(soup),色拉(salad),主菜(main dish; main course; entree),甜点(dessert)。

7. What do you recommend?

8. Why not?

责编:alisa 评论 纠错


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