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来源:考试网   2013-10-08【

  3、Why does the author mention the Great Depression of the 1930s?


  Signs of global recession inevitably conjure up thoughts of the last time the whole world went to hell in a hand basket: the Great Depression of the 1930s.In truth, we’re a long way from breadlines, and policymakers understand the forces that move the economy today much better than they did then. But one lesson of the 1930s is worth remembering. In an interconnected world, points out Jeffrey Garter, dean of the Yale school of management, a small spark can start a huge conflagration. In 1930 it looked as if the consequences of the 1929market crash might be contained; it was the collapse in 1931of the Austrian bank Creditanstalt that turned a market correction into a worldwide slump. Similarly, the global financial crisis of 1997—98 started with the devaluation of the Thai bath—though Thailand’s whole economy is about the size of Kentucky’s.

  3、Why does the author mention the Great Depression of the 1930s?

  The author uses the comparison between the current economic situation and the 1930sgreat Depression in order to illustration a good lesson worth remembering, that is, asmall country financial crisis may lead to a global economic crash.

  4、What do you know about the arguments over the $8 billion international rescue package for Argentina?


  That’s one reason why, after much dickering, the Administration last week signed off on an $8 billion international rescue package for Argentina (an economy about the size of North lending tax dollars paid by American plumbers and retail clerks to a country that careens from one debt crisis to the next. But in the end, as Goldman Sachs’ Hormats puts it, "pragmatism triumphed over ideology." If Argentina had defaulted on its debt, investors might have pulled out of other emerging markets, triggering a real crash. In a nervous world, It’s best to avoid anything that leads to a loss of confidence. Might anything else tip the mood from mere gloom to catastrophe? "A huge amount," says Yale Garten, "is hinging on the American consumer." In today’s planes, one really strong engine can get you safely to your destination. But expect a bumpy ride.

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  4、What do you know about the arguments over the $8 billion international rescue package for Argentina?

  Despite some people were strongly against the rescue package, the American government signed off the plan for Argentina which was in a debt crisis, because if defaulting, Argentina will lose the confidence of investors, and hence this will trigger a real crash.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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