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来源:考试网   2010-04-29【
But with Bing attempting to succeed in search, and Google launching its own web browsers, operating systems and office applications, the two companies have come into increasing conflict.
Most recently, Google claimed that complaints made to the European Commission about anti-competitive behaviour had been encouraged by Microsoft. That was exacerbated on Friday when the company took theunusual step of warning its rival that it could face antitrust problems in the future.

Ballmer told the audience of search engine professionals and advertisers that as an old hand with antitrust allegations - gathered during the company's run-ins with the US government and European regulators - he would not let up the pressure on his rival.

"As in our case, a lot of times the initial complaints come from a competitor. We're not being silent in this case, so we get involved," he said. "There are lots of places where it's very hard to break through. I would love it if advertisers would share with us their experiences on Google."

He also scotched rumours that Microsoft could spend on purchasing either Facebook - in which it has previously invested - or Twitter, saying that both were already partners with the company and had more value as independent businesses.

"In some senses, as an independent [Twitter] has a lot of value and credibility - would they have that same credibility with their users if they were captive? Not clear," he said.

triumvirate: n. 三人执政,三头统治


责编:Amanda 评论 纠错


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