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来源:考试网   2010-04-28【

“As an industry we’ve fought back from near collapse,” said Paul McGuinness, the U2 manager who masterminded the Irish band’s current multimillion-pound sponsorship deal with RIM’s Blackberry.

For the right band, Mr McGuinness said, “Record label funding can be replaced by the right corporate sponsor. And falling CD sales can — hopefully — be made up for by subscription packages.”

Feargal Sharkey, the former lead singer of the Undertones and chief executive of UK Music, agreed. “Research shows that 80 per cent of 14 to 24-year-old UK filesharers would pay for a legal service. Quite clearly, this is the direction in which we need to be heading.”

“By 2012 half of all telephones will be smart phones and we’ll see impressive growth in ‘access’ music services such as Spotify,” Mr Ek said. “The overall industry will be worth $40 to $50 billion dollars and, if you look at how internet companies develop, there will be only a couple of really dominant players. We hope to be one of them.”

If Mr Ek’s valuation is correct he will become a very rich man. The entrepreneur reportedly co-owns 47 per cent of Spotify along with its co-founder, Martin Lorentzon. But Spotify’s growth particularly its delayed American launch, has been hampered by concerns that not enough users would upgrade to its “premium” service.


wallow in sth.:沉溺于

the twin ravages:双重打击




premium:n. 额外费用,奖金

责编:Amanda 评论 纠错


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