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来源:考试网   2013-07-14【


   A-Long Bay, green fields, random villages and diligent Li people form a beautiful picture of country bliss. Tourists can see young women collect rubber sap in dawn and in dusk they can stroll among the coconut trees. A-Long Bay is rich in tropic foods and plants such as rubber, coconut, cashew, pineapple and so on, which not only color its tropical scenery but benefit the development of its economy as well. The government of Hainan province also provides many favorable terms in the fields of taxation, finance, import an d export trades, land development, infrastructure construction, visa procedure etc.


        YThe main highway serving A-Long Bay natural scenery protection area is connected to the expressway, which goes from Haikou to Sanya. To the northwes t 34 kilometers, there is Sanya Phoenix International Airport, which started operation on July 1,1997. Flight time from neighboring cities to Haikou is only 2 hours. Among these cities are Hong Kong, Macao, Taipei, Singapore, Bangkok, Djakarta, Guangzhou, Shenzheng, Zhuhai and so on. To the north as for Tokyo, flight time is only 4.5 hours. Such excellent transportation links naturally enhance the potential of A-Long Bay as an international natural scenic spot.


   Switzerland lies at the heart of Europe. To its west is France, to its north is Germany, to its east is Austria and to its south is Italy. These countries have had a great influence on Switzerland in the fields of history, culture and language.


  Switzerland covers an area of 41,288 square kilometers. The magnificent lake and mountain scenery attracts many tourists every year. The Alps are the highest ranges in the world, which are very popular among climbers and hill walkers even in summer.


  Berne is the capital of Switzerland, Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland and Geneva is the center of Swiss economy and culture. Because the climate of Switzerland is not favorable for agriculture, most of its food needs to be imported.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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