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翻译考试:A Ragged Tale Of Riches

来源:考试网   2012-08-30【

翻译考试:A Ragged Tale Of Riches

THE Chinese, President Grover Cleveland proclaimed in 1888, are "an element ignorant of our constitution and laws, impossible of assimilation with our people, and dangerous to our peace and welfare." That decade, with its acts excluding fresh Chinese immigrants and even blocking re-entry to those Chinese who had temporarily returned home, broke the myth that the United States was an all-embracing haven for the world's huddled masses. But what of the story of the Chinese in America themselves?

Because of anti-Chinese hysteria-from the race riots in western mining towns in Cleveland's time to the nasty late-1990s witch hunt by the Clinton administration and the New York Times of Wen Ho Lee, a Taiwanese-American scientist at Los Alamos who was falsely accused of passing nuclear warhead technology to China-the Chinese in America have generally chosen to keep a low profile. It is time their story was given a wider airing. The strength of Iris Chang's book is that she is steeped in her subject, but it has weaknesses.

Narrative history often paints individual lives with too epic a sweep. The turmoil in China that has so often been the backdrop to emigration in the past 150 years is described rather too broadly here to be of much help. The importance among new Chinese arrivals of local clans and identities back in mainland China is not sufficiently emphasised. Why, for instance, do the wealthy snakeheads who organise much of the illegal immigration into America come from one small district in Fujian province? Ms Chang does not travel there-or not obviously even to New York's Chinatown-to find out.


责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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