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来源:考试网   2010-06-26【

  2010年6月11日,国家主席胡锦涛在塔什干举行上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第十次会议上发表了题为《深化务实合作 维护和平稳定》的重要讲 话。讲话全文如下:

深化务实合作 维护和平稳定
  ——在上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第十次会议上的讲 话
  人民共和国主席 胡锦涛
  Deepen Practical Cooperation and Uphold Peace and Stability
  Address by H.E. Hu Jintao
  President of the People’s Republic of China
  At the 10th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of
  The Shanghai Cooperation Organization
  Tashkent, 11 June 2010

  Your Excellency President Karimov,
  Dear Colleagues,
  很高兴在千年古城塔什干同大家见面。乌兹别克斯坦担任主席国以来,为推动上海合作组织发展做了大量卓有成效的工作,中方对此予以高度评价。 在这里,我谨向卡里莫夫总统和乌兹别克斯坦政府为本次峰会所做的精心准备和周到安排,表示衷心的感谢!
  It gives me great pleasure to meet you all in Tashkent, a city with a history of several thousand years. Since assuming the chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Uzbekistan has done a large amount of effective work for the development of this Organization. China highly appreciates its efforts. I wish to express heartfelt thanks to President Karimov and the government of Uzbekistan for the thoughtful preparations and arrangements for this meeting.
  在这里,我还要代表中国政府和人民,对本组织和其他成员国在中国青海玉树强烈地震发生后给予中方不同形式的援助和支持,对本组织和其他成员 国积极参与上海世博会,表示衷心的感谢!
  I wish to begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, sincere gratitude to the SCO and the member states for your assistance and support in various forms following the massive earthquake in Yushu of China’s Qinghai Province. I also wish to thank you for your active participation in Expo 2010 Shanghai.
  上次塔什干峰会6年来,在成员国共同努力下,上海合作组织在维护地区安全稳定、促进成员国发展方面作出积极贡献。近一年来,上海合作组织各 领域务实合作再结硕果,为共同应对国际金融危机冲击发挥了重要作用。上次塔什干峰会确定建立的本组织广泛的伙伴关系网络逐步形成。中方对这些成就的取得感 到由衷的高兴。
  Through the joint efforts of its member states, the SCO has made positive contribution to regional security and stability and the development of its member states since we last met in Tashkent six years ago. Over the past year, our practical cooperation in various fields within the SCO has been fruitful and has contributed greatly to our collective response to the international financial crisis. The extensive network of partnership the last Tashkent Summit decided to create is steadily taking shape. China is gratified to see all these achievements.
  Dear Colleagues,
  当前,世界多极化和经济全球化深入发展,和平、发展、合作的时代潮流更加强劲,国际政治经济格局加速调整,本地区各国相互依存更加紧密。与 此同时,本地区形势中的不稳定不确定因素明显增多,国际金融危机影响继续显现,“三股势力”、毒品走私等问题日益突出。在这样的背景下,上海合作组织各成 员国只有切实遵循“上海精神”,加强团结协作,发挥集体智慧和力量,才能战胜艰难险阻,实现共同发展。为此,我建议在上海合作组织框架内深化以下领域合 作。
  We live in a world that is moving toward multi-polarity and economic globalization. The trend of our times - peace, development and cooperation - is becoming stronger, the adjustment of the international political and economic pattern is gathering pace, and countries in our region are more interdependent than ever. At the same time, however, destabilizing factors and uncertainties are clearly on the rise in our region. The impact of the international financial crisis can still be felt. And problems such as the “three forces” and drug trafficking are becoming more pronounced. Against this backdrop, the SCO member states should earnestly follow the “Shanghai Spirit”, step up solidarity and coordination and bring into play our collective wisdom and strength. Only in so doing can we overcome difficulties and achieve common development. In this regard, I propose that cooperation in the following areas be intensified within the SCO framework:
  第一,巩固团结互信,夯实本组织发展的政治基础。我们要坚决贯彻《长期睦邻友好合作条约》,本着世代友好的原则宗旨,继续加强战略对话和政 策协调,在涉及成员国主权、安全、发展的核心利益问题上密切协作。要合理有效运用突发事件应急机制,及时就重大国际和地区问题制定共同立场,发出共同声 音,切实维护地区安全稳定。我们衷心希望吉尔吉斯斯坦局势尽快稳定、社会发展、人民幸福。中方愿同成员国一道,继续向吉尔吉斯斯坦提供力所能及的帮助。
  First, strengthen solidarity and mutual trust to consolidate the political foundation for the Organization’s development. We should resolutely implement the Treaty on Long-term Good-neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation. In line with the principle and purpose of ever-lasting friendship, we should continue to increase strategic dialogue and policy coordination and cooperate closely on issues concerning the sovereignty, security, development and other core interests of member states. We should make good and effective use of the mechanism for dealing with contingencies, work out common positions on major international and regional issues in a timely fashion and speak with one voice on these issues so as to effectively maintain regional security and stability. We sincerely hope that the situation in Kyrgyzstan will stabilize as soon as possible, the country will achieve social development and its people will enjoy happiness. China is ready to work with other member states and continue to help the people of Kyrgyzstan within our capability.
  第二,加大反恐力度,构筑本组织发展的安全环境。我们要继续落实《上海合作组织反恐怖主义公约》及本组织其他合作文件,有效提高打击地区 “三股势力”能力。要加强情报交流、边境管控和交通运输工具安保,健全打击毒品走私等跨国犯罪合作机制,加强人员培训和交流,提高联合执法效率。建议各方 就跨境油气管道安保合作商签有关法律文件。
  Second, step up counter-terrorism efforts and build a safe environment for the Organization’s development. We should further implement the SCO Counter-Terrorism Convention and other cooperation documents of the Organization and effectively increase the capability of fighting the “three forces” in the region. We should strengthen intelligence sharing, border management and control and the security of means of transportation. We should improve the cooperation mechanism on fighting drug trafficking and other transnational crimes, strengthen personnel training and exchanges, and increase the efficiency of joint law enforcement. We propose the conclusion of a legal document on security cooperation regarding cross-border oil and gas pipelines.

责编:sunshine 评论 纠错


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