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来源:考试网   2011-11-11【
18. The possibilities for ____ energy sources, including solar power, wind power, geothermal power, water power and even nuclear energy promise greatly to the earthlings.

A. altitude B. Alternate

C. alternating D. alternative

19. Americans who consider themselves ____ in the traditional sense do not usually hesitate to heap criticism in domestic matters over what they believe is oppressive or wasteful.

A. pedestrian B. penchant C. Patriotic D. patriarch

20. The countries that are being blamed for the extra greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are the rich and developed countries. On a different ____, the developing countries feel they will suffer the most of it.

A. nod B. Note C. norm D. notion

Part 2 Vocabulary Replacement

21. He remained calm in the face of the impending danger.

A. terrific B. Trivial C. astonishing D. imminent

22. “Holmes!” I whispered. “What on earth are you doing in this disgusting place?”

A. humble B. Unpleasant C. underprivileged D. noisy

23. The futility of the program resulted from poor planning.

A. possible failure in the future

B. ineffectiveness and uselessness

C. blindness to its mistakes D. potential disaster

责编:snrvge 评论 纠错


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