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来源:考试网   2011-10-19【

  81. According to the passage, Piaget went to the mountains every summer to

  A. collect data for his research.

  B. avoid the city heat and enjoy the cool weather.

  C. live in his cabin where he could analyze the data he collected there.

  D. analyze his research data he had collected before.


  82. The data Piaget was analyzing in his cabin in the Alps was mostly concerning

  A. his findings of the wild life in the mountains.

  B. his experiments on the plants and wild life in the mountains.

  C. his past experiments on how human beings obtain their knowledge.

  D. his working experience at his Center.


  83. Which of the following statements is true?

  A. When the weather became cool, he went down the mountain and started writing books and articles.

  B. When the weather was hot, he went up the mountain and began writing.

  C. When the weather was cool, he took long walks on the mountain trails.

  D. He liked to walk in the cool evening, thinking about his experiments.


  84. According to the passage, Piaget must have published

  A. several articles on his observation of sparrows.

  B. a few books and articles on the data he had collected.

  C. a variety of books and articles on his experiments.

  D. a great many books and articles on his observations and research.


  85. Piaget's main academic interest was in

  A. how human beings learn through observations.

  B. the genetic and cognitive basis for humans' cognitive development.

  C. analyzing research data through scientific method.

  D. behaviorists' views on acquiring knowledge.


  86. Piaget can be best regarded as a psychologist who

  A. emphasizes the mental processes.

  B. stresses the importance of the biological basis.

  C. places more emphasis on the behavioral components.

  D. sees observations as being more important than others.

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