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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2019年9月30日 ]

  〖题目〗假设你是导游,请根据下面表格所给的提示,用英语向外宾简单介绍一下景点的情况及参观时的注意事项。词数: 70词左右(开头已给出,但不计入总词数)。

  景点名称:The Sandu Island





  Ladies and gentlemen,

  Welcome to the Sandu Island! Now let me tell you something about it。 The Sandu Islandis a beautiful place surrounded by the sea and it has a long history。 It‘s a good place to spend holidays because there are many places of interest on it。

  You can have great fun on this island。 You can go boating, go fishing and have picnics if you like。 Besides, you can walk along the beach。

  You‘ll stay on the island for the whole morning, have lunch on the island and leave in the afternoon。 While you are traveling, pay attention to your own safety。

  Hope you have a good time on the island!

  Thank you。

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