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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年4月17日 ]


  Imagine a world where air pollution is no longer a problem.Clean air is all around us.People don't have to worry about polluting the air every time they drive their cars.They no longer need to face the problem of not having enough fuel either.

  Although scientists have been trying for many years to develop a new kind of car that does not need gasoline (汽油),they have been unsuccessful.Recently,however,car engineers have succeeded in creating a new kind of car that runs on gasoline and electricity.This is the famous “hybrid car”.This car gets its name from the fact that it has a gasoline engine (引擎) and an electric motor inside.Hybrid cars do not pollute the environment as much as the cars that are commonly used today.They also cost drivers less money because they need less fuel than ordinary cars.

  Hybrid cars are becoming widely popular in the United States.They are soon expected to become widely used around the world.If scientists and engineers continue to work on car development,perhaps the world with clean air that we imagined earlier just might become real in the future.

  36.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph (段落) 2 means __D__.

  A.cars B.drivers

  C.engines D.scientists

  37.Hybrid cars __D__.

  A.increase air pollution

  B.run only on electricity

  C.have no engines inside

  D.need less fuel than ordinary cars

  38.The passage tells us that with the development of cars,we may __C__.

  A.like electric cars

  B.drive cars easily

  C.live in the world with clean air

  D.understand how hybrid cars work

  39.The best title for the passage would be __A__.

  A.The Car of the Future

  B.The Meaning of Hybrid

  C.The Use of Hybrid Cars

  D.The Invention of the Car

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