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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年2月11日 ]

  Ⅵ. 情景对话 (10分)


  A. We don’t see each other very often.

  B. Where did he live now?

  C. What are you doing, Sam?

  D. And I hope we’re friends for ever.

  E. I hope he’ll be back soon.

  F. Have you made any friends at this school?

  G. Then is he still your best friend?

  A: (51)___________

  B: I’m writing an email to Peter, my best friend in primary school.

  A: (52)___________

  B: Yes, but he’s moved to another city because his father found a new job there. (53)___________ But we often send emails, call each other and chat on the Internet.

  A: That’s great! (54)___________

  B: Of course. I have lots of friends here, such as Robert, Michael and Kate.

  A: And me!

  B: You’re right, Sally! (55)___________

  Ⅶ. 任务型阅读(10分)

  ①An interesting and beautiful city. You can enjoy Beijing Hutungs(胡同). You can visit the Great Wall, ________ and many other places. And you can enjoy delicious food. $500!

  ②What would you like to do during these fifteen days? Do you want to go to summer camp (夏令营)? It’s an exciting activity. It’s only 150 dollars.

  ③Come and practice swimming every afternoon for five days. You only need to pay 100 dollars.

  ④ Where do you want to go for your vacation? What about Australia? You can enjoy beautiful beaches and sunshine. Just $600!

  ⑤If you like climbing a mountain, please join us. The activity is from Oct. 4th to Oct. 7th. The price is 120 dollars.

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