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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年2月11日 ]


  Manners in different countries

  You have to shake hands when you're coming or going in Germany, ___1____ in Britain you usually only shake hands when you meet someone _____2___ the first time.

  You have to give your present in public in the Middle East _____3____ it's not a bribe贿赂, but it's a good manner to give your present in private in Asia.

  You ______4____ give cutlery刀具in Latin America(拉丁美洲) because it suggests(表明) that you want to cut off the relationship. You mustn't give food or drink in Saudi Arabia(沙特) because it suggests you think your hosts aren't offering you enough_____5_____ and drink. You mustn't give a clock in China because the Chinese word for clock is similar to the word for funeral. “Come any time” _____6____ “I want you to visit me” in India. If you don't suggest a time and arrange安排 a visit at once, an Indian will think you are____7_____ the invitation, they will feel sad or angry. But if an English person says “come any time”, they will think you are bad mannered(矫揉造作的)if you start_______8_____ a date.

  Offices are usually_____9______ on Fridays in Moslem countries, they have to go to mosque(清真寺). Americans usually mean “Yes” when they nod their ____10_____. An English person probably just means “I understand”, and an Asian is just showing interest. It's a bad manner to discuss business at a social occasion in India.

  In an English pub(酒馆), you have to take your turn to buy a “round” drink for everyone in your group.

  A B C D

  1 and or but so

  2 because since with for

  3 to show showing show showed

  4 can’t may not mustn't needn’t

  5 eat to eat ate eating

  6 means mean meaning meant

  7 repairing receiving refusing reviewing

  8 fixing fix fixed fixes

  9 close open closed opened

  10 mouth eyes neck heads

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