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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年4月1日 ]

  36.What is the passage about?__D__

  A.How to produce things.

  B.How to burn things.

  C.How to help others.

  D.How to be green.

  37.Which of the following is right?__A__

  A.Don't waste things.

  B.Always throw away old things.

  C.Always buy new things.

  D.Buy too many things from abroad.

  38.Why is it better to use a china cup and a lunch box?__B__

  A.You can burn them.

  B.You can use them again.

  C.You can throw them away.

  D.You can change them into something else.

  39.To protect the environment,we should remember these three words:__C__.

  A.waste,reuse and recycle

  B.repair,burn and recycle

  C.reduce,reuse and recycle

  D.reduce,waste and recycle

  40.The passage may come from__D__.

  A.a menu B.a dictionary

  C.a storybook D.a magazine



  41.Toads (蟾蜍) have an __ugly__ (丑陋的) appearance but they are useful.

  42.Hurry up,Tom!Someone is waiting for you at the school __gate__ (大门).

  43.There will be no difficulty in the world that they cannot __overcome__ (克服).

  44.How much does the ticket __cost__ (花费) from Shanghai to Beijing?

  45.She has a very scientific __method__ (方法) of dealing with the problem.

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