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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2020年3月3日 ]



  ( ) 1. Where are the speakers?

  A. B. C. ( ) 2. How does Mary go to school now?

  A. B. C. ( ) 3. What was Jack's job in the past?

  A. B. C. ( ) 4. What was the weather like during most of the woman's trip?

  A. B. C. ( ) 5. What does Linda look like?

  A. She is short. B. She has long hair. C. She wears glasses.

  ( ) 6. Where is Cherry from?

  A. The UK. B. China. C. Japan.

  ( ) 7. How old is Jenny?

  A. 15. B. 18. C. 20.

  ( ) 8. What time did the man get up yesterday morning?

  A. At 6:10. B. At 6:40. C. At 7:20.

  ( ) 9. What was the road in the past?

  A. A river. B. A forest. C. A lake.

  ( ) 10. How many times has Mandy been to Paris?

  A. Four times. B. Three times. C. Twice.

  Ⅱ. 听对话和短文回答问题,录音读两遍。(10分)


  ( ) 11. Why did Andy go to France?

  A. To learn French. B. To go on a trip. C. To visit his relatives.

  ( ) 12. How long did Andy stay in France?

  A. For one month. B. For one and a half months C. For two months.



Old house

New house


  13  bedroom(s), a dining room and a small kitchen

Four bedrooms, a  14 , a dining room and a big kitchen

Around the house

It was in front of a shopping mall.

It’s near a   15 .

  ( ) 13. A. One B. Two C. Three

  ( ) 14. A. bathroom B. living room C. study

  ( ) 15. A. bus stop B. school C. park


  ( ) 16. Who did Sally use to live with?

  A. Her uncle. B. Her father. C. Her grandparents.

  ( ) 17. What was the height of the highest mountain in the town?

  A. About 1,500 metres. B. About 1,200 metres. C. About 1,000 metres.

  ( ) 18. Where did Sally usually play?

  A. Near the mountain. B. On top of the mountain. C. At the foot of the mountain.

  ( ) 19. What did Sally's grandfather cook for her?

  A. Meat. B. Soup. C. Fish.

  ( ) 20. What did Sally think of her life in the town?

  A. Necessary. B. Comfortable. C. Boring.

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