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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2019年12月15日 ]


  1. If it ___ (rain) tomorrow, I ____ (not go) out.

  2.They ___ (come ) to see me if they ____ (have ) time.

  3.If he ____ (not know ) the way, he ___ (ask) the others.

  4. I ___ (do) a lot of good things if I ___ (have) a lot of money.

  5. It’s an exciting week. ( 改感叹句)

  6.They have a very good time. ( 改感叹句)

  用if, when, before, after, until等连词填空:

  1.___ you understand the rule, you will have no difficulty with it.

  2. You will stay healthy ___ you do more exercises, such as running and walking.

  3. We should try to save the water ___ it is too late.

  4.I’ll have to turn off the computer _____ my father comes home.

  5.The book was so interesting that he read it for three hours ____ he knew it.

  6. I won’t believe that ___ I see it with my own eyes.

  7. I won’t go back ___ I reach the Great Wall.

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