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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2020年5月17日 ]

  IV.完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(15分)

  I used to have little passion (激情) in my life. But what happened the other day changed my mind. It was then that I learned how 46 it is to have a passion in life.

  That day I went home in Mom's car. When Mom 47 at a red light, someone on the side of the road caught my 48 . It was a man dressed in rags (破旧衣服). He was homeless. That didn't interest me, because I had seen 49 like him before. Those people usually looked unhappy and hopeless.

  But this man was 50 in some way. He was not sitting down with a 51 expression. Instead, he had a 52 in his hand and was dancing happily to the music. The radio seemed to be the most precious (珍贵的) thing he had.

  "Mom, why does that man have a radio 53 he’s homeless?” I asked. " why hasn't he used the 54 for food or clothes? He has 55 something that he doesn't need."

  "Well, Sarah, sometimes food and clothes aren't the most important.”

  That man must care so much about 56 that he bought a radio instead of food or clothes. I soon realized that 57 is the key to life.

  Since then I am always thinking of 58 is truly important in life. A home, a meal, clothes—these things are 59 part of the life. What we often forget is that we all need a joy, a light in a 60 day. We all need a passion which gives a person the happiness they need to keep going

  46. A. strange B. important C. dangerous D. difficult

  47. A. stopped B. walked C. stood D. sat

  48. A. brain B. eye C. head D. nose

  49. A. none B. few C. all D. many

  50. A. common B. different C. polite D. rude

  51. A. sad B. nervous C. mad D. happy

  52. A. hat B. phone C. scarf D. radio

  53. A. though B. because C. until D. unless

  54. A. home B. car C. radio D. money

  55. A. prepared for B. waited for C. paid for D. looked for

  56. A. stories B. music C. news D. languages

  57. A. knowledge B. health C. happiness D. friendship

  58. A. who B. what C. where D. when

  59. A. only B. all C. also D. never

  60. A. warm B. hot C. dark D. sunny

  V.补全对话 阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)

  A: I really enjoyed Mrs. Wang’s class this year.

  B: 61 Her class is interesting.

  A: And she is kind to all of us. 62______

  B: Yes, I think she is a good teacher although she is strict with us.

  A: I agree. Well, we are leaving school next month. Shall we get her a gift?

  B: Sure! Mmm.. 63_____

  A: No, too cheap.

  B: Can we get her a watch? I think she may need it.

  A: No, 64______

  B: I think we can get her a scarf. A scarf may be a good gift for her.

  A: No, a scarf is too personal.

  B: Well, how about a photo album with our photos?

  A: A photo album with our photos? Yes, this gift is very special. 65______

  61. A. Me, too. B. I don’t like her.

  C. I don’t think so. D. She is a teacher, too.

  62. A. No, I can’t. B. Do you think so?

  C. Sure. D. It’s interesting.

  63. A. How about a card? B. Is it a card?

  C. Is a card cheap? D.Can she buy a card?

  64. A. a watch isn’t special. B. A watch is nice.

  C. the watch doesn’t belong to her. D. It isn’t a watch.

  65. A. We can’t find it. B. She doesn’t like it.

  C. I’m sure she’ll like it. D.OK, I’ll try that.

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