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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2017年3月21日 ]


  【2016苏州一模】( )7. I'll never forget the people and things I saw on the Great Wall.

  A. that B. which C. who D. what

  【2016南京市扬子一中一模】( )11. Mr. Green will give us a talk about the people and the company ______ he visited last week.

  A. who B. which C. that D. where

  【2016郑州一模】34. Last year, several TV dramas Hu Ge acted in became very popular, like Nirvana in Fire.

  A. what -B. where C. whic

  h D. who

  【2016南昌二次联考】29.—I won’t forget the teachers here used to help and trust me.

  —Neither will I.

  A. which B. whose C. who D. whom

  【2016漳州市质检试卷】The teacher ________ is in orange has rich teaching experience.

  A. who B. whose C. which


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