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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2017年4月18日 ]

  47. A. sometimes B. always C. never D. hardly

  48. A. for B. against C. of D. with

  IV. 阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共 30 分)

  阅读下列材料,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答 案标号涂黑。


  Sunrise is an exciting and supportive community for writers, readers, and artists of all ages. It encourages writers of any age to turn those images into fresh stories. Millions of members use Sunrise for millions of things. Thinking of joining? Here’s how people use Sunrise.


  Aya writes for her friends on Sunrise.

  A. comics B. poems C. stories D. books

  50. uses Sunrise’s free class tools to build a library of beautiful stories.

  A. Aya B. Jenny C. Maria D. Nala

  51. Nala on Sunrise.

  A. enters competitions B. sells her artwork

  C. reads stories D. follows her favorite artist


  My name is Caroline and I work as a doctor in a children’s hospital. I must share a heartwarming experience I enjoyed last week.

  Last Friday there was a big party at the hospital. Most of the doctors and nurses would be there, but of course some of us had to stay to look after the children. I felt a little sad because I was not free to go to the party. I enjoyed dancing very much. While my friends were getting ready to go to the party, I felt very sorry for myself.

  At ten o’clock, I went to see each child one after another and said good night to them. Then I came to a little boy called Jimmy. Jimmy was only 10 years old, but he already talked like an

  adult. Poor Jimmy was badly ill. In fact, he was getting weaker day by day. However, he was always thinking about others. We all liked the little boy very much.

  When I came up to his bed, I noticed a piece of cake at the table beside his bed. When I was thinking why the cake was there, he said, “I’m very sorry that you have to miss the party because you have to take care of us. But we’re going to have a party for you. Have you seen the cake? I saved it from my supper today, so it’s quite special.” I thanked him. “And I’d dance with you myself if I was able to get up.” he added. His words warmed my heart.

  Suddenly the hospital party seemed very far away and not at all important to me.

  52. Caroline works in .

  A. a bank B. an office C. a school D. a hospital

  53. Caroline felt when she could not go to the party.

  A. sad B. lucky C. happy D. surprised

  54. From the passage, we know that Jimmy .

  A. was not badly ill

  B. did not like cakes

  C. was always thinking about himself

  D. warmed Caroline’s heart

  55. The best title of the passage may be “ ”.

  A. A Piece of Cake B. A Missed Party

  C. A Warm Hospital D. A Happy Doctor


  In real life, most people seem confident. But when they can’t have things they want, they are upset and lose themselves. Do you want to learn how to be yourself? Here are some suggestions.

  Be kind to yourself

  Appreciate what you have done. Everyone has different talents which can help to make the world become a better one. Remember you don’t need to satisfy everyone. No matter what others think of you, just be yourself.

  Make good friends

  Always make friends with people who are willing to make you feel better about yourself. Good friends neither talk about how great they are nor praise you a lot. They enjoy being with you, not because you are like them, but because you are yourself.

  Think about your family

  The values of your family are to give you what you really need. Maybe you can’t get help when you have small problems. But you can learn how to depend on yourself. When you meet big problems, your family will always be with you.

  Hold on to your dream

  Holding on to your dream can make you braver and stronger. On the way of achieving your dream, you’ll know who you are and what you want. Even though you can’t achieve it, you’ll find you are better and you can still live a normal life.

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