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中华考试网   2014-04-19   【
 pushed back the dates for early humans to over 3. 75 million years ago. Their son, Richard Leakey, discovered yet other types of hominid skulls in Kenya, which he wrote about in Origins (1979) and Origins Reconsidered (1992).

  Like physical anthropologists, cultural anthropologists study clues about human life in the distant past; however, cultural anthropologists also look at the similarities and differences among human communities today. Some cultural anthropologists work in the field, living and working among people in societies that differ from their own. Anthropologists doing fieldwork often produce an ethnography, a written description of the daily activities of men, women, and children that tells the story of the society’s community life as a whole. Some cultural anthropologists do not work in the field but rather at research universities and museums doing the comparative and interpretive part of the job. These anthropologists, called ethnologists, sift through the ethnographies written by field anthropologists and try to discover cross-cultural patterns in marriage, child rearing, religious beliefs and practices, warfare—any subject that constitutes the human experience. They often use their findings to argue for or against particular hypotheses about people worldwide.

  A cultural anthropologist who achieved worldwide fame was Margaret Mead. In 1923, Mead went to Samoa to pursue her first fieldwork assignment—a study that resulted in her widely read book Coming of Age in Samoa (1 928). Mead published ten major works during her long career, moving from studies of child rearing in the Pacific to the cultural and biological bases of gender, the nature of cultural change, the structure and functioning of complex societies, and race relations. Mead remained a pioneer in her willingness to tackle subjects of major intellectual consequence, to develop new technologies for research, and to think of new ways that anthropology could serve society.


  primates: the order of mammals that includes apes and humans

  hominid: the family of primates of which humans are the only living species

  39. Look at the four squares, A, B, C, and D, which indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit?

  Anthropology is the study of the origin, development, and varieties of human beings and their societies.

  A Through various methods of research, anthropologists try to fit together the pieces of the human puzzle—to discover how humanity was first achieved, what made it branch out in different directions, and why separate societies behave similarly in some ways but quite differently in other ways. B Anthropology, which emerged as an independent science in the late eighteenth century, has two main divisions: physical anthropology and cultural anthropology. C Physical anthropology focuses on human evolution and variation and uses methods of physiology, genetics, and ecology. Cultural anthropology focuses on culture and includes archaeology, social anthropology, and linguistics. D

  40-42. Select the appropriate sentences from the answer choices and match them to the type of anthropology that they describe. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question is worth 3 points.

  Answer Choices

  The focus is on the similarities and differences among cultures.

  This field studies life on many different scales of size and time.

  Researchers observe similarities between humans and other primates.

  Scientists examine the fossils and skulls of early humans.

  Researchers live and work in other societies and write ethnographies.

  It is the study of the origin. history, and structure of the earth.

  The story of humanity’s origins is a major topic of investigation.

  Type of Anthropology

  Physical Anthropology




  Cultural Anthropology




  some movies are serious,designed to make the audience think. other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. which type of movie do you prefer? use specific reasons and examples to support your answer


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