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中华考试网   2013-09-18   【

  1. 1.沙漠的成因 主要有三个,共同点是lack of moisture

  (1)远离海岸的内陆沙漠 - 因为离海岸太远所以没有很多降水,这里举了Texas的三个城市的年均降水量为例


  (3)在mountain leeside的沙漠

  2和3主要都是因为warm air is cooled and then rewarmed so that the capability of carrying water decreased造成humidity of air降低导致沙漠

  2. 蜜蜂的social structure和communication

  (1)only very few male honeybees, and their function is only to mate with the queen honeybee then they die after mating or after the mating season.


  (3) 蜜蜂的行为主要受到environment的影响和cues from other bees. 这里着重讲了蜜蜂怎么知道蜂巢的food storage是否短缺

  这里问了一个词印象很深 explicit



  1. 一个student去问professor关于law of diminishing的现实运用 然后professor举了一个tomato seed的例子 然后student说他和他打工的咖啡馆的boss在安排每个shift应该有多少个employee这个问题上有争议,他的boss要他安排4 people per shift, 他自己觉得2个人就够了,professor告诉他可能是他的boss另有安排

  2. 一个女生去找librarian问能不能找到她的course packet里的一篇文章so she can read over the spring break. But her professor did not have anything in reserve so the librarian asked if she remembered the title of the paper so she said it has to do with marriage in ancient greece. librarian帮助她找到一篇文章title是marriage of ancient Greece但是女孩说这不是她要的那篇但是could help her write her paper.

  3. Text关于niche constructions的 然后听力材料中举了个蚂蚁的例子说south america丛林中的一种蚂蚁需要某个specific kind of tree to build nest于是他们就会把靠近这种tree生长的植物poison到死来确保有足够的空间和nutrients for the trees to grow.

  4. Art History class: 主要讲superrealism 举了两个著名artists的作品例子 具体不太记得清了

  5. PSYCHOLOGY class:讲metacognition和associated brain structure. 然后举例了一个study就是叫一堆人去辨认两个screen上的patch哪一个比较亮 然后再问他们对自己的判断有多确定 结果显示metacognition强的人的brain tissue也比较发达(xxx prefrontal cortex)



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