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中华考试网   2013-09-17   【



  1. the printers in the students center broken down, students cannot print their papers near the end of the semester

  2. profesor asks the student to attend a play and talk with one actor to learn the adapting play( transform other genres of literature into scripts in the play)


  1. bontany class: why the green leaves of the plant will turn into other colors

  tranditional view: the material to photosythesize break down in the Autum

  recent study: a special material shield the sunlight to break down the material which reabsorb the nutridents from breaking down

  2. physics class: low frequence electric wave

  the difference between sound wave and radio wave: sound need medium, radio wave does not need

  two types of low frequence electric wave : different path determines the different sound effect

  3. psychology: ANS ability number sense

  the experiments to test the ability in animals

  ANS ability number sense relates to the ability in mathematics

  4. children literature

  a important children author was ignored by educators at first his style: human characters are alike, like comedy ( so educators thought it's not apporiate for children to read)

  changed his styles due to the influence of J.H


  ID卡,神经细胞, 英国浪漫主义诗人


  1. 学生说打印机坏了, 学生中心的管理员说不是他能管的,有专人修,下月买新的,提到官如何如何。

  2. 叶子为什么变红,先提叶绿素和光合作用,老的理论无法解释为什么变红,变红是因为叶子产生一种A的物质在快落或是落下后,但是这样不是没用吗?不是,自然界不会做无用的事,于是有新理论,认为它帮助叶子产生物质对抗阳光,以使其可以进行一个反应来更好的被树吸收。

  3. 心理学: ANS,就是估计数字的感觉。感觉天生的(6月孩子为例), 动物也有(讲鸟传过Bush,没题好像),然后研究ANS和数学等技能的关系,做实验,人人差别大。后来发现没什么关系。最后学生问我们能进行训练提升吗,老师说那要先考虑他们的关系谁先产生什么的。

  4. 老师学生讨论一个活动和一个教授的成就。学生想来问期中考试的事,但是老师跟他说别的,主旨双选。先说了个活动,让他去通知,准备材料什么的。 说了教授如何,提到了play的改写也就是引用并编剧,很难,比学生想的难。

  5. 儿童文学,讲了一个儿童文学作家,开始不受重视因为认为他的书没有教育意义,虽然得了普林策奖但还是没人重视。有个作家写了文章说他文章浅薄,他竟然受了启发写下了专门用简单词的儿童书,虽然简单但可以引导孩子进行思考,教授对他平角很高。

  6. 物理,讲了电磁波,主要是讲低频。 开始比较声波和Radio wave, 区别是介质。 后面的我累了,就没怎么注意听。



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