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中华考试网   2011-03-22   【

  1. We were gratified to learn of her interest in our case.
  [A] thankful and pleased [B] sorry and displeased
  [C] good-natured [D] overwhelmed

  2. Ordinary light, from the sun or a light bulb, is emitted spontaneously, when atoms or molecules get rid ofexcess energy by themselves, without any outside intervention.
  [A] need [B] device [C] influence [D] source

  3. Benjamin Franklin's experience with a Kite in a thunderstorm, while frallght with danger, proved the presence of electricity in lightning.
  [A] creating [B] ignoring [C] full of [D] exempt from

  4. Some forms of arthritis may develop when the body's ability to fight disease goes away.
  [A] takes over [B] comes up [C] is interruppted [D] becomes faulty

  Keys: ACCD
