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中华考试网   2010-10-09   【
一辆旅游巴士在菲律宾首都马尼拉遭遇劫持,车上8名香港游客遇难,其他7人正在医院接受治疗。劫持者是一名携带突击步的被辞退的武装警察,在长达9小时的电视直播的围攻中被警方击毙。香港特别行政区长官曾荫权(Donald Tsang)发表了讲话。


  1.disgruntle vt.使不高兴

  2.tragic adj.悲剧的

  例句:There was a tragic accident on the highway yesterday.


  3.textile n.纺织品,织物

  例句:The designers have created a new textile.


  4.rehabilitation n.复原

  5.disclose v.揭露, 揭开

  例句:She disclosed a secret.


  He disclosed the box to us.


  6.grant vt.准许; 答应给予

  例句:He refused to grant them long-term credits.


  7.injunction n.命令;强制令;禁止令

  例句:The court has issued an injunction.


  8.criticise vi.批评,吹毛求疵,非难

  9.renounce vt.声明放弃;宣布放弃

  例句:Andrew renounced his claim to the property.


  10.fraudulent a.欺诈的,不正的,不诚实的

  例句:The investigation has laid bare their fraudulent scheme.


  11.decompose vt.vi.腐烂

  例句:Most animals decompose very quickly after death.



  1.So this is going to have a ripple effect through the economy, and essentially the task will shift from the relief and rehabilitation to recovery and reconstruction.

  ripple effect连锁反应

  2.Judge Royce Lamberth, said in his ruling that a lawsuit brought against new stem cell guidelines was valid and could now go ahead.

  bring against以某罪控告(某人)

  例句:The police are going to bring a charge of murder against him.


  go ahead往前走,继续,进展,进步

  3.The deputy minister was arrested on suspicion of negligence, but was not formally charged.

  on suspicion of因有…嫌疑,因受到…怀疑

  例句:She's been arrested on suspicion of spying.


  Eight tourists from Hong Kong have been killed during a hijacking of a bus in the Philippine capital Manila. Seven others are being treated in hospital. The hostage taker, a disgruntled former policeman armed with an assault rifle, was killed by police during a 9-hour siege shown live on TV. Hong Kong’s chief executive Donald Tsang gave his reaction.

  "This is a major tragedy, disappointing that Hong Kong residents trying to make a pleasure trip to Manila ended up with deaths and casualties. This is very tragic, and the way it is handled, the particularly the way of the outcome, I find it is disappointing."

  Rescue workers in Chile say the 33 miners who’ve been trapped underground for 18 days are in good health, but have yet to be told that it could take months until they are rescued. A special drill is being sent to the copper and gold mine in northern Chile to dig a new shaft and get the miners to safety. This is still expected to take at least two months.

  The United Nations in Pakistan has described the humanitarian situation caused by the floods there as “critical”. Government officials in the southern province of Sindh say over 80% of those affected have fled their homes. The Indus River outside Hyderabad is at its highest for over 50 years. The International Monetary Fund says everyone in Pakistan will suffer. Masood Ahmed is the Fund’s regional director.
