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中华考试网   2010-09-10   【
 The test supposed to be start at 6pm, some of people came here at around 5pm. All the testers stayed in one small classroom which is so dirty and no air-conditioning for the next two hours.


  Because of network problems like every other centers, we waited there till more than 6:30pm. during this period, what they told us is 5 more minutes, and 5 more minutes. And the worest thing is when one of the guys and i went to the testing room to check it out what was going on there, one of the examiner suddenly yelled at me : get out of here, get out of here. i think everyone could what we felt under such condition.


  During the test: during the time all the people focused on the listening, different noise keeping around us, the teachers walked back and forth calling louldy for password kind of things, and some of the teachers even do not turn off their cell phone, let their cell phone kept singing and then talked with his friends just out side the room.


  Anyway, i will call ets on monday, i can not put up with spending nearly 200 bucks for such kind of service, it is shame of ets!


  finally, i hope anybody who took the same test with me gvie me support, and let more people know do not try this center!!!!!!


  5. Toronto downtown ILSC 443 University Ave


  工作人员态度NICE 没的说,考场是1间小小的屋子,靠墙一圈电脑,以临时纸板间隔,人和人距离很近.必须有不怕干扰的超强能力.座位是随机指定的,没的选,一个考场的人好在全部同时开始,没有先后.不过个别人速度快,后面就回参差不齐了,不过大体大家听时都听,说时都说.个人感觉,阅读最容易被环境分散注意力.听力肯定强烈集中,口语更是不管三七二十一,自己就要大声讲.也就不在乎干扰了。


