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来源:华课网校   2019-01-28【

  第三部分 阅读

  第一节 短文理解

  阅读下面短文,从A.(Right)、B.(Wrong)、C.(Doesn’t say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  Every Tuesday, Carina goes to work in a bank. She knows all her customers (顾客)very well, because they are her classmates. In fact, Carina and her customers are all 10 years old.

  Carina' s bank is in a school in Chicago. The bank is a branch(分支) of a national(国家的)bank, but the "children run it themselves. It is open for 30 minutes a week. Every Tuesday morning, Carina opens the bank. Her classmates put their money in or take their money out. The bank pays interest to them.

  The idea for a school bank came from their teacher, Mr. Harry Bassett. Mr. Bassett took his idea to the national bank. The bank agreed to his plan. "We want to give the children a chance to learn about money," said Mr. Bassett. "We are training them to look after their money carefully. "

  The next plan for the school bank is a credit card. "Many people in the USA don' t use credit cards very well," said Mr. Bassett. "our school bank will give the pupils some practice in using credit cards. " Pupils will be able to buy school meals and books with the credit cards.

  56. The school bank opens once a week.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesn' t say

  57. Mr. Bassett is a bank cashier.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesn' t say

  58. Carina suggested opening the school bank.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesn' t say

  59. The pupils are trained to take care of their money.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesn' t say

  60. The pupils' parents are happy with the bank' s credit card plan.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesn' t say

  第二节 短文理解2



  A businessman bought some goods at a market in the morning and set out at once for home with all his bags, for he wished to be in his own house before dark.

  At noon he rested in a town. When he wanted to go on, the stable-boy (马童) brought his horse, saying :

  "A nail(钉子) is wanting, sir, in the shoe of the horse's left front foot. "

  "Let it be wanting," answered the businessman, "the shoe will stay on for ten kilometers. "

  In the afternoon he arrived at a hotel. The stable-boy came to him again and said, "Sir, a shoe is wanting from your horse' s left front foot. Shall we get a new one?"

  "Let it still be wanting," said the businessman, "the horse will be all right for a few kilome-ters more. "

  So he rode on, but soon the horse began to limp. It had not limped for long when it fell down and broke its leg. The businessman had to leave the horse and take all the bags on his back, and go home on foot.

  "That bad nail," he said to himself, "has made all this trouble. "

  61. Where did the story take place?

  A. At a market.

  B. At the businessman' s house.

  C. On the businessman' s way home.

  62. What was found to be lost when the businessman rested in a town?

  A. A bag.

  B. A nail.

  C. A shoe.

  63. What does "limp" mean in "...the horse began to limp. "?

  A. Jump high.

  B. Run really fast.

  C. Have trouble walking.

  64. Whose leg was broken?

  A. The horse' s.

  B. The stable-boy' s.

  C. The businessman' s.

  65. The story tells us that

  A. money cannot buy everything

  B. small things can make great trouble

  C. nothing is impossible if you work hard


  A new city may be exciting, but a move to a new city can be difficult. Here are a few ways to get to know a new city and its people:

  Buy a guidebook(旅游手册) before you get to the city. Read the guidebook and look for in-teresting places to go.

  When you get there, buy a city map. Look at the map and find a park. Buy a newspaper and read it in the park, or just watch the people. Look back at the guidebook, find the interesting places on your map, and make plans to visit them.

  Buy a bus map. On sunny days, ride buses and look out a window. Talk to people. A bus stop is a good place for a conversation with a stranger(陌生人).

  Taxi drivers know a lot about their city. Take taxis and ask the drivers about interesting neigh-borhoods(聚居区) in the city. Walk around the neighborhoods. Go shopping at the stores. Find a good restaurant and eat delicious new food.

  If you love sports, go to a game and talk to other people. If you are interested in museums, spend a few hours there on a rainy day.

  66. This text is about how to_______.

  A. build a new city

  B. drive in a new city

  C. get to know a new city

  67. What does the text suggest you do before going to a new city?

  A. Read a guidebook.

  B. Find a newspaper.

  C. Buy a bus map.

  68. The text suggests you take a taxi so that you can_______.

  A. travel faster

  B. make new friends

  C. ask the driver about the city

  69. Where does the text suggest you read a newspaper?

  A. In a park.

  B. At a bus stop.

  C. In a restaurant.

  70. What does the text tell you to do if it rains?

  A. Ride buses.

  B. Play games.

  C. Visit museums.

责编:examwkk 评论 纠错


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