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来源:华课网校   2017-03-10【

  We've all had (Example:_0) work and do things that we di.d not enjoy. Usually, some people would tell us to be enthusiastic(热情的). "You'll have more fun," they woUld

  say. Well, they were partly 47. Being enthusiastic about something means being 48 about a given job.

  49 , most men are not born great--they become greatl similarly, not everyone is the ent-thusiastic type that 50 in love with his work. But, do not lose 51 . There are ways to be-come more enthusiastic.

  One good way is by reading about successful(成功的) people. It will help you realize(认识到) that you too can make it 52 . By reading about those real stories you will understand 53

  people much like yourself have become successful. In 54 cases, they all have the same thing:enthusiasm.

  If you want to be successful, you 55 be excited ——bout your work and your life.

  O.A.to B.at C./

  46. A. much

  B. more

  C. less

  47. [A ] right

  B. wrong

  C. interesting

  48. A. excite

  B. exciting

  C. excited

  49. A. Even

  B. However

  C. So

  50. A. falls

  B. fall

  C. falling

  51. A . hearts

  B .heart

  C. your heart

  52. A. happen

  B. happens

  C. to happen

  53. A.it

  B. them


  54. A. that

  B. any

  C. most

  55. A can

  B. should

  C. need

责编:Aimee 评论 纠错


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