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中华考试网   2016-02-12   【


  In this section you will hear several news broadcasts. Listen to the news broadcasts carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

  Questions 29 to 30 are based on the following news broadcast. At the end of the news broadcast, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news broadcast.

  [ 2 POINTS]

  29、Who did the former chief weapons inspector of the UN criticize ? [1']

  A、Tony Blair.

  B、George Bush.

  C、 Hans Blix

  D、Saddam Hussein.


  30、 What can we infer from the news ? [1']

  A、The US and Britain have made a thorough examination on weapons before they started war. B、The UN weapons inspection has been in abeyance because of the war.

  C、The US and Britain have found evidence that Iraq owned some atomic weapons. D、 Hans Blix was criticized for giving wrong intelligence about weapons in Iraq.


  Questions 31 to 32 are based on the following news broadcast. At the end of the news broadcast, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news broadcast.

  [ 2 POINTS]

  31、Which of the followings is NOT the content of the agreement? [1']

  A、The Mexican travelers are permitted to enter America with being photographed. B、The Mexican travelers can travel into America with only identification documents.

  C、The Mexican travelers can travel to America much more conveniently than before D、The restrictions on all Mexicans visiting the United States will ba eased.


  32、what can we infer from the news? [1']

  A、President Bush supports this agreement.

  B、Congress has voted on the agreement

  C、Mexican President shows no interests in this agreement. D、There will be an election next year.


  Questions 33 to 34 are based on the following news broadcast. At the end of the news broadcast, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news broadcast.

  [ 2 POINTS]

  33、.What id the main idea of this news item? [1']

  A、Italy decided to increase anti-terrorism measures

  B、Italy would prohibit training people to use explosives for terrorism purpose

  C、The deadly bombings in London earlier shocked Itailian government D、Some Italians participated the terrorist bombings in London


  34、What is the attitude of the Italian Prime Minister towards the measures?









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