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中华考试网   2016-02-12   【


  In this section you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

  Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.

  [ 3 POINTS]

  Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve commenced our descent in the Sydney Airport and we’ll depart outside the terminal building about 30 minutes from now. For those of you visiting the city for the first time, I have some information for you. The distance from the airport to the center of Sydney is approximately 10 km. Taxis are available. You’ll find taxis right outside the terminal building. The cost of Taxis trip to the city is about 12 Australian dollars. There is the coach service available and the cost of the journey to the city and major hotels is 6 dollars for adults and 2 dollars and 50 cents for children. There is also the open yellow bus No.300 to the city at a cost of 3 dollars for adults or 1 dollar 50 cents for the children. Banking facilities are available outside the Customs Hall. Hotel booking facilities can be found at the Travelers Information Service. I’d like to remind you when you leave Sydney Airport on the next international flight; you’ll be required to pay a Departure Tax of 10 dollars. Thank you.

  15、Where is the announcement made? [1']

  A、On an airplane.

  B、 In a coach to the city.

  C、Near the terminal building.

  D、In the waiting room.


  16、Where are the banking facilities available? [1']

  A、Near the airport hotel.

  B、At the travelers’ information desk.

  C、Outside the Customs Hall.

  D、In the center of the city.


  17、What does the announcer finally remind the passengers of? [1']

  A、The departure tax they have to pay on their next international flight. B、 The distance they have to travel from the airport to the center.

  C、The prices the major hotels charge.

  D、The place where taxis are waiting to be hired.


  Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.

  [ 3 POINTS]

  18、 What is rhythm in literature according to the passage? [1']

  A、A special use of words.

  B、The arrangement of ideas.

  C、The regular occurrence of certain elements of writing D、 The exploration of sound effects.


  19、 Compared with a child’s response, an adult’s response to rhythm in music would be____ [1']

  A、 less natural

  B、 more active

  C、more restrained

  D、 less indifferent


  20、Which of he following statements is NOT made in the passage? [1']

  A、 Human being is rhythmical physiologically and emotionally. B、Rhythm is what differentiates humans from other animals.

  C、 Human being seems to be born with a love for rhythm. D、Good literature must be rhythmical because human life is rhythmical.




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