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中华考试网  2015-05-27  【

  第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



  A.“Organic produce is always better,” Gold said.“The food is free of pesticides(农药),and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms.And more often than not it is locally grown and seasonal,so it is more tasty.”Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend,and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business.

  B.Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences,but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete.For example,small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products.And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported to meet growing demand.“The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year,so it is a very fast­growing market,”said Sue Flock,a specialist in this line of business.

  C.Many cities around the world today are heavily polluted.Careless methods of production and lack of consumer demand for environment­friendly products have contributed to the pollution problem.One result is that millions of tons of glass,paper,plastic and metal containers are produced,and these are difficult to get rid of.

  D.However,today,more and more consumers are choosing “green” and demanding that the products they buy should be safe for the environment.Before they buy a product,they ask questions like these:“Will this shampoo damage the environment?”“Can this metal container be reused or can it only be used once?”

  E.Only a few years ago,it was impossible to find green products in supermarkets,but now there are hundreds.Some supermarket products carry labels(标签) to show that the product is green.Some companies have made the manufacturing(制造) of clean and safe products their main selling point and emphasized it in their advertising.

  F.The concern for a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink how they do business.No longer will the public accept the old attitude of “Buy it,use it,throw it away,and forget it.”The public pressure is on,and gradually business is cleaning up its act.


  46.How I was struck by the clear water and fresh air in my childhood!But everything has changed,that is,the clear water and fresh air are nowhere to be found again as they were.Above all,a great deal of waste hardly rots away. (  )

  47.More and more people are beginning to have a good knowledge of the importance of a safer and cleaner environment,which in turn forces the business to be cleaned up. (  )

  48.Organic products are getting more and more popular among people,but we should know the fact that organic products might also have something to do with pesticides. (  )

  49.I’m very much fond of growing some vegetables of my own in my small garden,for many vegetables on sale in markets are actually becoming more and more dangerous as a result of widespread pesticides. (  )

  50.Nowadays it is very convenient for consumers to find and buy green food in supermarkets as they are clearly marked. (  )


  第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)

  最近,为了更好地了解中学生的课外阅读习惯,我们在2 000名学生中进行了一次调查(survey)。以下是调查的一些情况:

  调查内容 初中生 高中生 阅读数量(每年5本以下) 37% 37% 喜欢的阅读材料 漫画杂志、幽默故事 通俗小说、经典作品、科幻小说 学生阅读量少的原因 没兴趣 作业太多,没时间 调查结论 1.要鼓励学生更多地开展阅读;

  2.给予学生更多课外阅读的时间。  写作内容















  第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


  Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone.Others like to be with friends most of the time.Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends?

  I prefer to spend most of my time with friends,because friends offer excitement and new ideas,they can comfort me when something bad happens,and spending too much time by myself can be boring.

  Friends can offer excitement and fresh ideas to a situation.For example,if I am shopping,a friend makes the experience more fun.We can look at things together,and explore our likes and dislikes.

  Friends can also comfort me if something bad happens.If I get bad news,and a friend is around,I do not have to feel bad by myself.A friend will try to cheer me up,and attempt to take my mind off whatever negative things happen.For example,last year I broke my leg and was in a cast all summer.I had friends around me to cheer me up and distract me from the misfortune.

  Overall,I think having friends around me is the best way for me to spend my time.















