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中华考试网  2016-09-14  【


The Great Barrier Reef is home to brightly colored fish, eye-catching coral, and swaying seaweed. What else is hiding in the world’s largest coral reef? Scientists recently dived into the water to find out. A team of scientists explored the reef, located along Australia’s northeastern coast. They also checked out Ningaloo Reef on the country’s western coast. The searches turned up hundreds of animal species, including some that may be new to science. Scientists spied worms shaped like trees, big-clawed shrimp and jellyfish.

“It is awe-inspiring to know that so much of what we see has not yet been described,” says Patricia Hendricks, who took part in the expedition. That is a trip with a specific goal. “The reef is truly a beautiful place with so many mysteries.”

Scientists wanted to get a closer look at some of the underwater cities’ lesser-known residents — soft coral. Using netted bags and their hands, the scientists searched the reefs. They found about 130 types of soft coral that may be new species. A lot is known about hard coral, but soft coral is more of a mystery. The creatures are very diverse, or varied. Some are shaped like bushes or fans. Others are whips that twist with the currents. They grow in a rainbow of colors. Despite the variety, some types of soft coral look very similar to one another. “This makes them a challenge to study, and so very little is known about them,” Hendricks told WR News. She and other researchers took samples of the soft coral. The scientists also zeroed in on what was living in and around the coral. They hope to identify the new species.

The reef research isn’t done yet. The scientists plan to return to the same three spots annually for the next six years. They left 36 plastic “houses” stuck to the ocean floor. The scientists hope some of the coral reefs’ residents will move into the houses over time. That will make it easier for scientists to study the creatures on future trips.

The scientists’ findings could give humans a hand. Some marine life is used in medicine. Researchers can also study how the creatures deal with pollution and climate change. That might give scientists ideas on how people could better adapt, or change. Knowing what creatures live in oceans is important, scientists say, because one-third of the world’s coral reefs are endangered. “If we don’t know what is present in the first place, how are we ever going to protect it properly?” asks Hendricks. “Learning about new species is an important step.”

5. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Scientists find surprises in the Great Barrier Reef.

B. Soft Coral no longer remains a mystery.

C. Scientists left 36 plastic houses to the ocean floor.

D. Scientists made explorations to deal with ocean pollution.

6. According to the passage, what makes the study of the soft coral a big challenge?

A. The diversity of the soft coral. B. Many unknown species.

C. The similar appearance. D. Various shapes and colors.

7. What does the writer mean by “That might give scientists ideas on how people could better adapt, or change.”(Para.5) ?

A. Ocean species may be of great medical value in the future.

B. A study of ocean creatures’ adaptation may assist scientists in their research.

C. Research on ocean creatures will help solve the pollution problem.

D. Studying new ocean species will help improve people’s living environment.

8. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A. the scientists discovered many ocean species by accident

B. coral reefs in the world are endangered because of climate change

C. the Great Barrier Reef has been attracting more scientists’ attention

D. the samples of the soft coral enables scientists to further explore the ocean
