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来源:网络    [ 2016年1月11日 ]  【


  1.For my part, I have never presumed my mind to be more perfect than average in any way; I have, in fact, often wished that my thoughts were as quick, or my imagination as precise and distinct, or my memory as capacious or prompt, as those of some other men.

  2.They look to their masters to provide for their needs, and as long as these are supplied, they are content to do what their masters require.


  3.Before any passenger can get on an airplane at the airport, he must go through a series of security checks to make sure he isn't carrying anything that is potentially dangerous or could be used as a weapon on board.


  4.Negative events like “serious illness of a family member” were high on the list but so were some positive life-changing events like marriage.

  5.In reading more difficult material, with the intention of taking in the whole of it, he will proceed more slowly, but even then he will vary his pace, concentrating on the key words and passages, perhaps re-reading them several times and pass more quickly over the remainder.


  6.Americans very much mind their weight and rarely disclose how much they weigh … even if they are thin and in great shape. Therefore, you best not to ask.


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